Ch 8: "Mission"

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After all the morning hustle, we all were in our lions heading to our mission, which Allura revealed was an alliance brunch. The whole team groaned at being awoken so suddenly for a brunch. It did not seem like an emergency but apparently Allura just didn't want to be late.

"Were the sirens really necessary?" I heard Lance over the lion communications as we were on our way to the brunch. I snickered at how annoyed he sounded. He was definitely not a morning person and I found it absolutely hilarious.

"Keith, are you LAUGHING?" Lance was hysterical over the intercom, clearly offended, and I heard more people laughing at how childish Lance was sounding.

Instead of replying, I tried to stifle my laugh beneath my hand. It was still heard however because I heard Lance huff out in annoyance, "Well I'm glad my misery makes you happy, Keith." Despite trying to sound annoyed, Lance was smiling a bit as he himself began to laugh.

"Okay, enough, lovebirds," Hunk added playfully, laughing himself, "Allura, are we going to be there soon?"

I felt my face get hot as I said nothing in return to that statement. Lance on the other hand, had plenty to say but Allura cut him off before he said much of anything.

"Lance, please. Also, Hunk, we are fairly close. It's going to be about 2 of your..." Allura paused a bit trying to figure out what to say, "Earth hours."


"Oh, my God, Lance, shut up," Pidge added bitterly. Due to the commotion, she had no time to get coffee and she was incredibly salty.

To say the least, Pidge without coffee was a frightening sight. Everyone was wise enough to give her space, with the exception of Lance.

After the longest 2 hours of my life, mostly consisting of Lance and Pidge bickering while Hunk tried to calm them down, we made it to the brunch. It was on a very green planet, fairly resembling Earth but with very bizarre vegetation.

Lance absolutely adored it because it reminded him of home, while I personally felt indifferent for it. There was not much on Earth for me so I had little emotional attachment to it or places resembling it. Seeing Lance run around trying to touch things while Pidge yelled at him not to touch foreign plants was an endearing sight though. Despite the ridiculousness, I found myself gushing at how Lance found joy in almost everything. I wondered how he did it.

"Woah, guys, check this out! It looks like tree but it's purple!" Lance shouted happily, getting ready to climb it.

"LANCE, IT COULD BE POISONOUS." Pidge shouted at him as he stuck out his tongue.

Soon enough, Allura and Shiro told everyone to come inside for the brunch, which did not look like a brunch at all. It looked like a social of some kind. There wasn't a table or anything. It was an open room with caterers. While in there, everyone dispersed to get food and socialize with the many aliens in the room.

Never being one for crowds, I stuck to the side and ate some odd looking finger foods. The "brunch" was incredibly lively; I heard plenty of strange languages and saw lots of animated people everywhere I turned. It was all incredibly unsettling.

My eyes immediately started searching for Lance against my will til I found him. He was gushing over some alien girl. Figures.

I could have brushed it off as I'd seen Lance flirt with Allura more times than I could count. It pissed me off, but I could live with it because I knew she didn't like him back. But I then saw this girl kiss him on the cheek. I tried to turn away but I couldn't bring myself to.

My heart felt like it was deflating and my chest felt like it was on fire. I felt as if I couldn't breath.

I can't breath.

Suddenly a wave of panic shot over me as I felt my throat burning. My feet started moving with a mind of their own to the nearest exit. I could only imagine that I looked absolutely insane and I felt myself knock into a few people but I didn't have the time to worry about it.

In the midst of my exit, I passed by Hunk and Pidge. Pidge tried to stop me but I shoved by quickly, unable to think. Her eyes frantically looked around and she saw Lance with the alien girl. Without thinking, she ran after me. Hunk stood confused before following suit, not knowing what was happening but intuitively knowing that something was wrong.

I'd made it outside and began coughing violently. Luckily no one was around as I threw up nearly 20 roses mixed with blood.

I coughed and sobbed at the physical pain and emotional torment I was feeling at once.

When I found the strength to lift myself up and turn around, I saw Pidge looking incredibly distressed. Beside her I found Hunk speechless but wracked in worry.

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, omg. I was laughing at myself while I wrote the beginning of it because it seemed like the funniest thing in the world to me. Also, I have no idea if they have coffee in space but they SHOULD.

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