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That was all that was left of the space ship we had used to escape Asgard. In our previous reality, we had managed to save it - or I guess I had managed to save it. 

In this reality, I couldn't be further off. 

"We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault!" 

Smoke rose up from the smoldering bodies of the Asgardians we couldn't save. Half of them had been killed mercilessly, ripped apart, stabbed and burned until there was no life left in them. 

Women wearing the most beautiful gowns laid pooling in their own blood, children whose eyes would never see the light of day again and the men who had fought to protect them with their life accompanied them, their bodies littering the floor all around us. The ship had been destroyed to the point where pieces of rubble now floated through the darkness of space, only to never be seen by another being again. 

"This is not a war craft, I repeat, this is not a war craft!"

Thor and I came back in the middle of the bridge just as we could see everybody loading up the ship along with Loki - who neither of us had seen in far too long. 

The two of us had taken the places of our previous selves, who disappeared into nothing the second we landed. Several of the Asgardians looked at me funny when they saw me holding Thor's hammer - it had been broken after all - and I couldn't help but notice the glimmer in Loki's eye when he laid eyes upon the weapon in my hand, but he didn't say a word of it as we sped onto the space ship and off the planet before it would implode. Whether he knew or not was a mystery to me, but I didn't have any time to think about it.

We watched as Asgard burned to the ground before us and eventually broke into a million pieces right in front of our very eyes. It was destroyed beyond recognition, a planet I would never have the pleasure of exploring without Hela's reign. I would never get to see where Thor grew up, nor would I lay eyes on the rainbow bridge ever again. It felt strange, seeing the planet I'd only been on for such a brief amount of time crumble before me and I didn't think I would be so emotional under it, but it made my heart ache. 

Asgard was no more.

The ship that suddenly loomed up in front of us had taken us all by surprise. We'd planned to seek refuge in Midgard - as they called it - and were going to try to get help there, but we hadn't expected a ship to find us so soon after dispatching a distress call. 

HEROES | T. ODINSON 1Where stories live. Discover now