Chapter Two

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I strum the last few chords of a song for Aspen, my eyes shutting in concentration. When the last note fades away, my twin squeals.

"That was the best one yet!" She exclaims, throwing her arms around me. I set my guitar down on the side of the tree stump and stand up.

"You know, I guess this place is kind of pretty."

"Yeah, even though it isn't Los Angeles." Ava agrees behind me. The four of us stand on the top of a hill that overlooks Sydney.

"You guys are really coming along on that song." Tierney comments, standing from her spot on the ground. She's holding a sketchbook in her hand, a drawing of a tree nearby clear on the page.

"Thanks." Aspen and I say simultaneously, sending each other little grins.

"Should we go home?" I ask. Everyone else agrees, I shrug my guitar strap on over my shoulder, and we hook our arms together to walk across town.

As we walk, I happily strum away on my instrument, playing whatever song or note that comes to my head.

All of a sudden, my phone rings. I slide my guitar pick into the pocket of my jeans while my sisters fall silent, waiting for me to answer.


"Sum?" A male voice questions.

"Connor!" I exclaim, over the moon at hearing my best friend's voice. Yes, I do miss Los Angeles. But the thing I miss most about it is my best friend who lives there.

"Hey Sunny." I can hear his grin through the phone, which makes me smile as well.

Connor Franta has been Aspen and I's best friend ever since she started her popular youtube channel. Although I wasn't the famous one, everyone knew me as her twin sister. Even though I'd only appeared in very few of her videos myself. Still, ironically, Connor was slightly closer to me.

"How's everything back home?" I asked easily, dropping my other hand.

"Not much different. Well, other than the fact that I left the group, obviously." He sighed sadly. I knew it crushed him to do it, but we both knew it was best if he took a break.

I stared at my feet as we slowly made our way across town, the others whispering and giggling quietly while I talked on the phone.

I was so indifferent to what was in front of me as I laughed with Connor, that I didn't realize people appeared in front of us, walking the opposite direction.

As the others halted and watched me with big, surprised eyes, I rammed straight into something solid. Then I fell back and landed on my butt with a loud 'oomf'.

"Watch where you're going." A voice said rudely above me. I whispered quick, 'I'll call you laters' to Connor and hung up. Slowly, I raised my gaze.

It, he, was a boy, with three companions. He was fairly tall, with styled blonde hair and a lip ring. Three words popped into my head.

He. Is. Adorable!

And very angry....

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized profusely, struggling to get to my feet because of my guitar. I huffed, sighed, and chose to stay on my butt, giving up.

"Having issues?" He smirked, speaking in a cute Australian accent.

God, Summer, why wouldn't he have an accent? You live here! You're technically the one with the accent!

I frowned at my own inner battle, and before I knew it, my twin was helping me to my feet.

"Thank you." I mumbled. I looked up to see the strange boy still standing there, with the other boys. One of them, with wavy brown hair and cute dimples, was speaking with Tierney. She looked completely shy, a small blush over her cheeks, as he flirted with her.

"Who are you, anyway? Tourists or something?" The boy I trucked over questioned, his bright blue eyes piercing into mine. I shrunk under his ferocious gaze.

"Uhmmmm, I'm Summer Watson...... me and my sisters just moved in not far from here." I say awkwardly. He frowns.

"You live here?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess." I shrug, no longer meeting his gaze.

"It's time to go, Sum." Aspen warns anxiously beside me. I take the hint right away and agree with her, taking one last glance at the cute boy and his friends.

As we're turned around and walking away, I realize something and feel a sudden boost of confidence. I twist around and towards they're retreating figures.

"I forgot- what's your name?" I yell, staring at his blonde head. He turns around and meets my gaze.


It was hard not to blush at the smile he gave me. I turned back around.

"Aw, you're blushing." Tierney teased, poking my cheek. I slapped her hand away.

"Sunny likes Luke!" Ava sings. I stick my tongue out at her, only a little annoyed at they're teasing.

Why does this little event seem so important to me? I'd met Luke once, and maybe the only time ever, and it already seemed like he crawled through my ear and glued a mental image of himself to the back of my brain.

Wow, that was descriptive. I'm so weird, coming up with these little things. It's a good thing I'm not the famous twin, that's for sure.

Finally, we make it home. I don't say anything, which actually isn't considered rude by my siblings, I just walk up a few stairs to my room. Well, my floor, I guess. I'm really struggling getting used to this.

I put my guitar down and throw myself on my bed, letting out a long breath. I'm too tired for my own good.

I feel I'm being watched, and sit up to see my small cat, Kip, standing in the doorway. I pat on the bed, and pads forward and leaps up, landing in front of me. With a purr, she sits down and let's me let her.

I decided to decipher my bedroom, even though I'd decorated it myself.

Above my bed was a wooden loft, countless things up there already. One of the few things I had in common with Aspen, was the taste for multi-colored fairy lights strewn across the loft railing and all around the walls, which were aqua blue. My bed had black sheets and covers, and I only had a few posters on my wall. In the corner of the room was a bed for my kitten and an average sized TV. Unlike my sisters, I honestly preferred to keep it simple. In the other corner was my humongous heap of different throw pillows with all kinds of things printed on them, such as animals, sayings, song lyrics, people, you name it. Last was my wall of photos, which was almost completely covered. There were plenty of just me, me and my sisters, some of my girl friends from back home, my cat and other past pets, and pictures of me and Connor, of course.

After giving myself way too much of a description of my huge, whole floor sized bedroom, I let my exhaustion get the best of me, and I fall into a dream filled sleep.

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