Chapter Eight

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I didn't believe her. Not for a second.

I can only think of two things while I stare at the ceiling in the middle of the night. I can't even sleep.

I think of my sister. The confrontation. I didn't believe a single thing she said. She's my twin. I know when she's lying. It's second nature to me.

And I think of Luke. His smile, his dimple, his blonde hair, his ocean blue eyes. I wish I didn't think this way about him. I wish he didn't make my heart race. I wish I didn't get butterflies when he laughs. I wish I didn't want him to kiss me more than I've wanted anything before.

I wish, I wish, I wish.

I sigh, rolling over onto my stomach. No wonder I can't sleep.


I wake up early after a horrible night's sleep, and choose to stop trying. I get out of bed and trudge downstairs, deciding to cook myself breakfast.

I take out the ingredients, and place the strips on a skillet. A few minutes later, I'm awarded the fabulous scent of bacon.

I finish my food, turning off the oven. I grab the plate of food and sit down, alone, at the family dinner table.

After a few minutes, I hear footsteps.

Aspen appears, racing around the kitchen to make herself a quick meal. She makes toast and spreads Nutella on top, not noticing me the whole time. She sprints back up the stairs, and I roll my eyes.

I stand and put my plate in the sink. The I wander back upstairs and into my bedroom to change.

I put on a simple light orange sweetheart dress, brush out my hair, apply mascara, and coat on a layer of cotton candy pink lipstick.

Another way me and my twin are different: she's just a but more tomboy than me... Maybe a lot.... Ironic that my best friend is a guy anyway?

Speaking of Connor, it's been a little while.... I definitely need to call him today.

I step back downstairs, deciding to watch TV, only to find my couch taken.

"What are you doing here?" I question. Michael and Luke turn around upon hearing my voice.

"Tierney asked Ashton over, so we invited ourselves and tagged along." Michael smirks. I scoff, sitting beside Luke anyway.

I get on my phone, and Aspen suddenly appears, laying across my lap.

Ashton and Calum shuffle into the room, and not too much later, Aspen agrees to accompanying them to the mall.

A few minutes after they leave, Luke and Michael go as well, leaving me all alone, once again.

I sit around bored for a while, before I come up with the consumption that I need to get out and do something.

So, I pull on my studded combat boots, put my phone in my bra, and step outside.

I slip my hair behind my ear and board my bike, then I zip down the street.

The sky is overcast, and nobody crowds the streets.

What to do, what to do?

I quickly decide to pass the cute little ice cream shop to see if it's open.

I pass the music shop, noticing my sister's car parked by the curb. I wonder what she's up to?

I few more blocks and I'll be there.

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