Chapter Four

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I gawked at my twin sister.

"Oh my God." I whisper, putting my hand over my mouth.

I can't believe what she did! She barely even looks like herself anymore!

After we watch a few movies with her friend, he goes home. I immediately take my chance to pull her aside.

"What happened, exactly?" I ask in a calm tone, not wanting to argue.

"I kind of got into a fight with Ava, and she made me realize who I want to be."

"What are your fans gonna think? Or mom and dad?"

"It's no big deal, Sum." She waves me off, turning around.

"Wow." I say under my breath. And that's all I can think at the moment. Wow.


"So, I see you're sister decided to do some things to her face...." Connor trails off, looking at me through the tiny phone screen in hopes that I might pick up the conversation.

"I know... she didn't even tell me." I sigh. It makes me feel bad that she must not have trusted me enough to tell me she wanted to do this.

The two of us stare at each other for a few seconds, then simultaneously burst out laughing. These are the benefits in having a best friend, let me tell you. Despite the fact that he's a few years older than me, and we met through my sister, I find it hard to live every day without him. He'd always been my backbone. I guess he still is, but it's not the same.

I hug a pillow to my chest, and frown when he tells me he's gotta go.

"Text me, Con?" I look at him intently.

"Definitely." He assures, before ending the call.

I fall back onto my bed. I'm so bored.

What can a girl do to have fun, late at night, in a small town in Australia?

I think I'm about to find out.

I jump from my bed and slide on shoes, then tip-toe down the stairs. I check to make sure my phone is secure in my pocket, then quietly slip out the front door.

I take my bike from the garage and climb on, putting my phone in my bra so it doesn't fall out. I peddle soundlessly down the street, passing large house after large house. Eventually, I find myself turning my handles toward the curb by a small music store.

I walk my bike up and secure it to a public bike rack. I'm dumbfounded the store is still open, honestly. I smooth down my shirt and stroll right in through the front doors.

Immediately he catches my eye. Him. Luke. He must work here.

His shirt brings out the blue in his eyes, making me nothing short of breathless.

"Are you just gonna stand there like a deer caught in headlights?" He sneers, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Uhmmmm I-I just h-had to-o fix my s-shoe." I stutter, blushing. I bend over and pretend to check the laces on my studded combat boots.

Nice going, Summer. If I could, I'd slug you.

I straighten up again, then shuffle towards a wall covered in albums.

Bored again, I begin turning over every single case and reading the songs listed on the back.

"You know, you are the only reason I'm still standing here." I freeze for a second, thinking he was actually trying to be sweet. I turn around, and he's slightly glaring.

"Why?" I furrow my eyebrows, confused.

"We were supposed to close like 15 minutes ago."

"Then why didn't you just kick me out?" I ask.

"Because I don't have anything to do after I leave." He admits, shrugging. I grin widely.

"Do you happen to know any ice cream parlors near by?" I set the album I'm holding back on the shelf.

"Maybe." He responds, slightly biting his pierced lip. I can see a glint in his eye that I can't quite explain.

"Well, I surely hope you wouldn't mind accompanying me there." I wink, striding out through the door and glancing at him one last time.

Well, I thought it was the last time.

The lights turn off fast, and it's not long before he's outside too, locking the doors.

"Let's go." He grins, spinning the keys around on his finger. He stuffs them into his pocket and grabs the handlebars to the only other bike on the rack. I grab my bike and follow him as he wheels off the curb and down the street.

A few blocks later, he stops in front of a tiny, brightly colored building. We lock our rides on a pole, and he motions for me to follow him inside.

"Luke!" An old woman exclaims as we enter.

"Hello, Martha." He smiles. My heart beats a little bit faster. Ugh, why do I feel like this? Why? I'm just getting ice cream with a stranger in the middle of the night! Martha's eyes land on me.

"Oooh, who's this?" She approaches, beaming. I look at Luke, who's staring at me.

"Summer! I'm..... Summer." I blurt. Thank you, Luke, for distracting me with you're beauty. I couldn't have embarrassed myself more. But Martha doesn't miss a beat.

"Summer, it's so nice to meet you. Luke hasn't brought a girl around here in a while." She admits. I glance at the blonde boy again, and am surprised to see his cheeks tinged a barely noticeable shade of pink. Naturally, I blush too.

"Now what will you two have?" Martha retreats behind the counter, obviously noticing our red faces.

The two of us order and wait for her to hand us our cones. As soon as I'm handed my Oreo Cream swirl, I take a large bite.

"You have a little something." Luke says from above me. I glance up, in time to catch his grin as he softly rubs his thumb over my cheek. My skin tingles where we made contact.

Maybe Luke isn't so bad after all....


Hiiiiiii xxxxx..... it's Kat! I'm really excited for this chapter, I hope everyone enjoys it!

Lots of love,

-Kat xxxxx

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