Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Con!" I yell, laughing, as he tickles my sides. I squirm even more as Kian begins tickling my toes.

I'm busy battling them off when my phone rings. I get the two boys to stop so I can answer it.

"Hello?" I ask brightly.

"Hey, Summer?" An Australian accent that I can clearly recognize speaks, sounding out of breath. There's some kind of yelling in the background.

"What do you need, Ashton?" I sigh, sitting down. Connor is beside me, his ear pressed to the other side of my phone so he can listen.

"Hi guys." Steph, Aspen's other best friend from here, appears in the doorway. I wave.

"I-it's Aspen." He lets out a shaky breath.

"What about her?"

"She's been hit by a car." My phone falls out of my hand and my mouth drops open. Connor stares at me wide-eyed. Suddenly I scramble forward and grab the phone again.

"I'll be there as soon as possible." I breath, hanging up. I put my hands on my knees and look at the floor for a second.

"Summer?" Connor asks, putting his hand on my shoulder. I look up.

"I'm going." I say, running upstairs to grab my bag. I pack everything as quickly as possible, then drag my suitcase back down the steps. Connor, Kian, and Steph wait for me at the bottom.

"We're coming with you." Steph announces.

"Fine. Whatever." I say, practically running to the door.

I go outside and get in Con's car. Steph sits beside me, rubbing my shoulder, and Con and Kian sit in the front.

"Anywhere before the airport?" Connor questions, looking at me through the mirror.

I look at Steph and something comes to mind. I'm about to say no, when-

"Just one place." I huff, taking my phone back out of my pocket. I dial his stupid number and press it to my ear, glaring at the seat in front of me.



"Don't call me, Summer."

"Don't hang up, dumbass." I scoff.


"This is important, why else would I call you." I point out. The line is quiet for a second.

"Fine. What?"

"Pack some clothes we're gonna pick you up in 15."

"Wh-" I hang up, rolling my eyes. I turn to Steph.

"He's sitting by you."


"I'm NOT waiting 2 hours for a flight." I slam my hand down on the woman's desk. She stairs at me with wide eyes for a few seconds. She types stuff into her computer and clears her throat.

"There's a flight leaving in 15 minutes, if you can board it right now." She meets my gaze, biting her lip. I smile.

"Now that's more like it." She hands me 5 tickets. I thank her quickly, then begin sprinting across the airport. My friends (and Mason) aren't far behind.

We finally make it to the terminal. I hand everybody tickets, then hand mine to the woman.

"You made it just in time." She smiles, scanning it. I thank her as well, then I run down the hallway. I then board the airplane.

"Welcome aboard." A flight attendant greets me.

I find my seat, then close my eyes.


"Ashton, where's your car?" I ask anxiously.

"I can see you Sum." He answers. I look around for a second and finally see him waving. I hang up the phone and sprint to his car, dragging my stuff behind me.

"I brought some people." I tell him, motioning to the group behind me.

"That's fine. She hasn't woken yet." He sighs, getting in the driver's seat. I get into the passenger seat. Connor, Steph, and Mason file into the backseat. Kian stands outside for a couple of seconds, wondering what to do. He seems to suddenly have an idea, then pushes his way into the seat and sits on Connor's lap. I roll my eyes.

"Onward!" I command Ash, pointing forward. He smiles a very small smile, showing his dimple.

We drive 10 minutes, me arguing with Mason over the radio stations half of the way, when we make it to the hospital.

I get out of the car as soon as Ashton parks. I jog right inside and to the front desk.

"What patient would you like to see?" The woman asks.

"Aspen Watson." I say as clearly as I can. She types a few things, before smiling and giving me a room number.

The lazy's behind me try to take the elevator, but I run up the stairs instead.

I'm huffing and puffing by the time I make it to the right floor.

I really need to exercise more often, geez.

I approach the room when I see a handful of familiar faces waiting outside.

Before I can stop him, he runs forward.

"Summer." Luke breaths, wrapping his arms around me. He buries his face in my hair. I feel something wet drop onto my shoulder and look at his face. He has actual tears in his eyes. I wipe one off of his cheek.

"What's wrong, Luke?" I furrow my eyebrows. Before he can answer, the door opens.

"Someone else, now." Michael speaks. His eyes land on me. He stares at me for a few seconds before looking away.

I let go of Luke, and turn around. I put my hand on the handle and go inside.

The door shuts behind me. My eyes land on the bed in the middle of the room and I choke, a tear already slipping out of my eye.

She lays with her purple hair in a fan around her head. She looks so small and pale and..... broken.

I grab a chair and pull it up beside her. I grab her hand and squeeze it reassuringly, knowing she probably can't feel it.

I stare at her for a few minutes. Tears roll down my face. I can't take it any longer.

"Aspen. I can't stand it any longer. We used to be inseparable. Best friends! We're twin sisters! We shouldn't, we can't just hate each other like this! I miss you so much. I can't lose you. I love you more than anyone. I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" I scream.

I just can't.















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