Chapter 41

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Emma's P.O.V

I woke up next to Andrea she was sprawled out all over the bed and her foot was on top of me. I crawled out of bed careful not to wake up Andrea. I went downstairs to see Taylor sitting by himself eating.

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"They went to get food" Taylor bit into and apple. "we wake up Andrea and play a prank on them" I said smirking.

"Like what?" Taylor asked. I woke up Andrea and told them the plan.

"Okay, unlock the front door and crack it open, then we need to make a huge mess tip over finiture and maybe break a plate or something also hide the computer and so they will think it's stolen, then we need to get red food coloring and spray it on the ground and on ourselves to looks like blood and we need to lay on the ground and pretend to be dead. so basically they will think we were robbed and murdurd"

We got to work we tipped over the couch and through pillows everywhere. then we unplugged the computer and tv and put them in Taylor room. next we put red food coloring on ourselves an on the floor.

About at that time Nash texted Taylor telling them they were almost home.

"Okay lay down and look dead" I said.

We heard the car pull up. "hey Nash when were we gonna work on your new vi-" Cameron said coming in the door but was cut off by the sight of us and the house.

"No no NO!" Nash said running to me and connecting out foreheads. I barely opened my eyes to see Matt crying in so much shock he couldn't move I felt kinda bad so I screams causing them all to jump.

"Don't you ever scare us like that!" carter screamed hugging all of us. "im sorry it was a prank.

"Emma" Matt said above a whisper, pressing our lips together. "I thought I lost you" he said.

After everything was cleaned up and calmed down I decided to apply for that job at PAC SUN.

"Mhmm, let's see any job experience" I said talking to myself "oh yeah I did work at kholes for like a month".

I finished filling out the application, then went upstairs to see Matt recording a video.

" And here is my beautiful amazing girlfriend" Matt said he motioned for me to sit with him so i sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Alright next question" Matt said looking at his phone. 'Matt, what is the sweetest thing that Emma has done for you?' he read.

"Wellll let's see, oh yeah! Okay so i was visiting family for like two weeks so I hadn't seen Emma in a wile. so she sent me a huge box of all my favorite candy and a letter that literally made me tear up" Matt said.

"Awwweeee babe!" I said in a little kid voice.

"Alright so that's it for this video I will have all my sociel media links in the down bar below I love you all bye!"

"Amazing video if I do say so myself" I said going to my vanity to take off my makeup since it was late.

"You look way prettier without makeup you know that right?" Matt said.

"What ever" I jumped into bed next to matt.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Matt asked.

"Sure! We should revenge of the bridesmaids"

"But that's a chick flic" Matt said I stuck out y bottem lip and tried to be all sad.

He ended up giving in, I cuddled into him and we watched it. I looked over At Matt who was snoring. and soon after I drifted off to sleep.


Hello loves!

I am so sorry for not updating in so long. And that this chapter was boring.

There will only be a few more chapters in this book.

Should I do a sequel? I don't even know leave it in the comments if I should cause none of y'all vote or comment so I think that ya don't even like my book.

But anywho.





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