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It's unbelievable that nothing happens to Tim when Lukas touches him. Tim yells and yells, but I can only stand there and watch the event in wonderment. Jason with a laugh takes my hand and says: "Let's liberate the others!" and in the first moment I don't know what he intends, till he leads me to one of the AD's and gives him his hand.

Meanwhile Tim has grasped that he won't die, and now he's happy to let himself be misused as a "guinea pig". Half an hour later the existence of the AD's is wiped out.

As it turns out, Jason and I are the solution. A female healer (on the mothers' side of the AD's) and a taker (Jason) are necessary to extinguish the deadly element of the AD virus. I'd never have thought that one day it would be wonderful to cause something to die. Nevertheless it is a pity we couldn't save the others.

I think of Gabriel and I'm sad. "Nay, it's not your fault. Nobody could do anything about it," Jason consoles me and presses me to himself. Did he read my thoughts?

"I can't read your thoughts, in case you think that. It can be read on your face that you were thinking of saving all the others too ... and you think you failed," he whispers into my ear.

"Wow, you're incredible!" I sigh.

Tim clears his throat. ""Well then, it's all over, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, Jason can once more touch everybody without killing someone; that means, I could smash my fist into his face, but I wouldn't then fall over dead straight away, would I?"

"I'd be enraged if you punched him in the face!" I say seriously.

"Ahem, I just said that as a way of expressing that it's actually all over. There are no more angels of death ..."

"You understood that quickly!" says Sam and hits Tim on the shoulder.

"Good, so now it's a fair fight. No more sympathy for the poor stricken lad who won't let anyone approach him ..."

"Tim!" I warn.

"I can wait for a loooooong time!" he says sullenly, and I shake my head.

"Some day he'll get over it!" says Lukas. "I could help you!" he says, winking at Tim.

"Stay away from me ... I've already told you – I'm not a poof ..." Tim calls out, and everybody laughs. Only Tim pulls a pouting face.

I've got no idea what life will bring, but I'm glad Jason has found his peace. Also that his parents are living and that he knows at last that he's not a monster. He looks so happy and I can't imagine a life without him.

I'm curious to know if he'll stay living with the Sommers or whether he'll move to his father, now that everything is over. "We'll gradually get to know my family!" he sighs into my ear and confirms once again how well we go together.

"I'm looking forward to it!" I say honestly, and I blank out everything around us when he passionately kisses me. Some clap and others make jubilant noises around us, but suddenly there's no sound at all. When I open my eyes we're on a sandy beach.

"I just wanted to be alone with you!" he says and pulls me onto the sand; then he lies down on me and looks at me hungrily.

"I love your new abilities!" I say breathlessly.

"Ah, I've just borrowed them from Sam ... I thought it'd be great to be undisturbed!" he laughs.

"You're still sure you can't read my thoughts! You can read those of the HA too ..."

"I can't read your thoughts, but still I can read you like a book, and your eyes say you want me!" he whispers.

"Oh yes, Jason ... I want you and I'm ready. I hope you've beamed us to a desert island because I intend doing indecent things with you."

"The most deserted island in the world, just you and me, oh yes, and a few wild animals ..." he sighs, and then he kisses me and I give myself to him.

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