Back In Touch

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Noah Sterecra: Cody, you're the force.

Cody wasn't online, so I didn't expect him to respond right away. I closed the computer quickly and went back to finish my dinner.

"What's new Noah?" Dad asked casually as he cleared up from dinner. I figured I shouldn't leak the season three news to anyone, as I had to sign a contract of confidentiality when I got the job.

"Just giving me an update" I said between bites. I wasn't particularly hungry. With the whole Cody thing, the new season, and the ill-timed nap, my stomach felt as if it would reject any food. But I ate anyway, because then at least if I vomited, I'd have something to throw up.

I suppose he noticed I wasn't feeling too hot, but he didn't press into it. I appreciate that about him; he minds his own business.

After dinner I went to check my email. As expected, Chris had emailed me some details about the upcoming season. It sounds like he had little to no plans with it. I was hoping he'd provide me with a cast list, but again, no plans. Basically all the email said was to keep my mouth shut about it and he'd see me this weekend at the Gemmy Awards.

This weekend, huh?

I have yet to get my driver's license, and I didn't really feel like having my parents drive me to Toronto, so I ended up contacting Tyler, who I knew also lived in Quebec.

The phone rang four times before he picked up.


"Tyler, it's Noah"

"I know"

Well that got off to an awkward start. I actually haven't talked to Tyler at all since we said goodbye. We're friends on Facebook, that's about it.

"Are you driving down to Toronto for the Gemmys?"

"Oh, yeah. Are you going?"

I'm not a fan of asking people for favors, mostly because I hate when people ask me for favors. But any alternative would suck.

"I probably won't be able to go unless I can get a ride" I stammered. It shouldn't have been this awkward talking to Tyler Kenard of all people. First of all, he and I were good friends during Total Drama. And secondly, he's got roughly the amount of brains as a toothpick.

"I can drive you if you need. You live in Montreal, right?" He asked.

"La Tuque"

"Alright, message me your address and I'll pick you up. We might have to camp in the car though, I'm too broke for a motel"

Car camping? Ew.

"Sure, sure, I'll keep in touch. Thanks so much for this Tyler"

Tyler's gravelly voice was admittedly calming, given that my peaceful teenage life is being compromised by McClean's desperate grab at being relevant again. Having Tyler and Trent, and I suppose Justin was arguably the only reason I didn't full out prison-break out of the motel during the second season.

Not too long after we hung up, I heard a soft bell come from my laptop. It made my heart jump, as I knew very well it was one of the two people I wanted to talk to the least right now.

I opened my laptop. The notification wasn't coming from Skype, so it wasn't Chris. But there was a little red number 1 on my Facebook tab, and as soon as I saw it, my heart seemingly gained ten pounds. I opened it and waited for my eyes to focus on the little message box in the corner.

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