To The Rhythm Of My Footsteps

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It was within our impromptu stay in Jamaica that Owen and I really became close. While the rest of the contestants savoured the beaches and the luxury of avoiding challenges, the two of us stayed on the plane as much as possible. Owen wanted to avoid sunburns, and I wanted to avoid Cody. It was during that time frame that our relationship evolved from being barely friends to being inseparable. It wasn't quite platonic, but it wasn't exactly romantic either. Our relationship seemed to be formed on each other bridging the gaps both of us were suddenly lacking: Owen's being Izzy, and mine being Cody. Mostly what it seemed to contain was exchanging jokes and lighthearted gossip during the day, and during the night, conversations that made each other vulnerable and physical gestures that made the both of us feel comforted. Most commonly, those gestures were fingers woven into each other's hair.

Avoiding Cody wasn't actually the hardest part of the stay. As it turns out, avoiding Chris's rage was. The man had been watching live footage of The Aftermath that evening,  waiting for the effects of the telethon to reel in enough money to refuel the plane. And until all the costs were covered, McClean was in the most sour of moods. Even Chef had been keeping his distance.

That evening, the plane was refueled.  Owen and I were asked to stay off the plane while that happened, so we found ourselves reclining in lounge chairs beside the beach at dusk. Everyone else was there too, enjoying the occasion much more lightheartedly than I was. Tyler, Alejandro,  Heather, and Courtney were wickedly smacking a volleyball back and forth. It was competitive and nearly cost Tyler a concussion. The volleyball game would otherwise have no effect on me if it wasn't for one factor: Owen wasn't eager to join. In fact, he didn't seem even remotely tempted, which was rather uncharacteristic for the dude.

"You okay?" I asked, trying to sound disinterested.

"Hm? Oh, yeah" he hummed quietly.

"Oh come on, what's up with you?"

He grunted stubbornly, but then turned his head. His face was adorned with freckles, sprinkled across his cheeks and nose. It made him look sunkissed and beachy. But his eyes weren't dancing with the playfulness they often were.

"I just miss Izzy" he said with a humorless chuckle.

"Oh come on man, the chick's a walking freak show. If you're gonna date someone,  at least let it be someone who has a clean record"

Owen didn't laugh. I tried a new tactic.

"You want to be with someone who's not going to dump you the minute you... fall out of a plane together. Yeah, Izzy's pretty and she's fun, but she's not long-term relationship material" I said gently. Owen shrugged.

"I guess"

I smiled contentedly. I don't like the sad Owen. I like the Owen that laughs at all my jokes whether they're funny or not, and the Owen that tries to get me to dare him to eat things.

Before we had time to say anything more, Chris gathered us back up on the plane. Before we even had time to settle in, the plane had taken off, leaving Jamaica and taking us to our next challenge.


It wasn't until later the next day that we were supposed to arrive at our next stop, so I was able to spend the morning watching Team Amazon get along suspiciously well and Owen eating hefty amounts of hot peppers.

Even with the girls getting along, there was still one person who was driving me up the wall.

"Tweeter update: Gwen's hand smells like Jamaican bird duty, Cody is still cute... uh, 67 characters, 73 left... what else can I say?"

Sierra was typing away on what looked like a pizza box. Apparently Alejandro wasn't the only one with outside contact.  I had to admit, it's pretty gutsy of Sierr to have her "computer" out right in front of the cameras. Of course, I wasn't going to say that; instead, I'll pull a classic Noah and mock her in the most juvenile way.

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