Unanticipated Messages

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There was a recovery crew that came and found me within two minutes of me landing, much to my surprise as McClean had made it sound like I was expected to get myself from London back to the Total Drama Aftermath studio. The crew was made up of fans of the show, most definitely volunteers, who helped me get back to London from my landing spot. It was a thirty minute drive, and then the recovery crew provided me with a hotel room and a plane ticket to Toronto.

The only luggage I had was my passport. I had nearly eighteen hours until my flight, which was enough time to get me caught up on sleep.

Sleeping in a real bed for the first time in weeks was amazing. Having privacy was even better. No cameras in the toilet, no cameras while I eat, no cameras while I eat. It was perfect. But it was rather lonely.

I was able to check my emails using the desktop in my hotel room. When I opened it up, there was weeks worth of junk in there. Even though I didn't have the patience to sort it out, I scrolled through to see if there was anything worth my time. After going through it all and deciding there wasn't, I refreshed it and was greeted with an email that sent waves of uneasiness up and down my back.

From: The Total Drama World Tour Crew
Subject: Elimination

Hello, Noah Sterecra! We're sorry to hear about your elimination from Total Drama World Tour. We have provided you with a plane ticket and a landing party to help you get from your elimination point back to Toronto, Ontario. At the front desk of the Gracious Hearth Hotel, you will be able to pick up an allowance of money that will be used for a new set of clothing. It is advised to stay as unrecognizable as possible, as the episode of your elimination will not air until December 16, 2010. You will be expected to check in at the Total Drama Aftermath Studio within the 48 hours of your elimination.

Congratulations, Noah!

Jennifer Pertsch and Tom McGillis

I had to admit, the show was really going out of its way to get the eliminated contestants home. Who would've thought that it wasn't some dumpy ass reality show with a trash budget after all.

I had four hours to kill before I had to take the underground to the airport. It was mid-morning in London, but the skies were dim and grey. And apparently I have to go shopping.

Now I know I'm gay, but I've always hated shopping. Nothing ever fits me: I have to cuff most my jeans, and t-shirts too often look like dresses on me. But I had been wearing the same outfit for the last several weeks, and to be frank I fucking reeked.

From the hotel, I took the metro to downtown London, and found a department store that seemed to meet my low standards. I picked out the first thing that would fit me; a plain grey t-shirt with a pocket on the chest, a pair of jeans that were almost too blue but would suffice, and a red zip hoodie that bore a logo for a company I had never heard of. I also bought a pack of clean underwear (finally), a pair of socks, and a hairbrush.

The woman at the checking desk watching me struggle to figure out the money, and gave me a look that told me she definitely knew I wasn't from around here.

I took my newly purchased outfit back to the hotel so I could change, and I still had two and a half hours until I could justify going to the airport.

I took advantage of the computer and logged into my Facebook account, expecting to see messages from some of my friends back home saying shit like "I saw your scrawny ass on TV!" or even worse "Do you have that Alejandro guy's number?". But what I saw instead shook me straight to the marrow of my bones.

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