The Value Of A Memory

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Here's a breakdown on how my first day on Total Drama World Tour went down.

I had to sing. Now I'm definitely not the musical type. In fact, the extent of my orchestral abilities was when I played clarinet in my middle school band. But the unfortunate reality of it is that I'd rather sing for a minute and a half and maybe embarrass myself a bit than be thrown out of a plane.

Speaking of planes, the moment I saw our ride, a spark of terror ran down my spine. The machine looked old enough to be built by the Wright brothers themselves, and appeared to be the most low budget aircraft available. This rang true for the inside as well. Not even first class was particularly impressive, but I suppose it beat out the leaky economy section.

One plane ride and musical number later, I'm in Egypt, running through the Great Pyramids. I'm a slut for history, and in any other circumstance, I'd be stoked about touring the incredible feat of architecture, but it was less appreciated when I was competing for the challenge.

The other contestants naturally formed groups. My eyes automatic wandered towards Tyler, but he had already began hoisting himself the pyramid, and I wasn't planning on going over the great landmark. Subconsciously, my eyes betrayed me and scouted out Cody. He had ended up with that Sierra woman, and even more unfortunately, Heather. Even if I had been planning on going with Cody, Heather and Sierra were deal-breakers. Luckily, I always had a solid fallback option.

Owen's a surprisingly good competitor. He's pretty fast, albeit only for a short amount of time before he loses breath. He's strong, and for what it's worth, he's fairly motivational when it comes to his undeniable positivity. However, pairing up with Owen means dealing with his insane, obnoxious baggage: Izzy. Izzy's also a good competitor in her own right, but as far as being in a small space with her for a long period of time, that's just something I couldn't handle. When we thought we had lost her in the pyramid, I almost felt relieved, which felt wrong. But I know I'll never truly like her, because I'll never forget when she exposed Cody and I back in season one. I'll never forgive her for that.

All in all, the team I ended up on wasn't the worst, but I could've done without Sierra and that Alejandro asshole. I wasn't necessarily thrilled about obtaining Izzy in Sierra's place, but I suppose she's the lesser of two evils. The thing about Sierra I didn't trust was that no one knew zip about her other than she has some odd obsession with Cody, but she knew too much about literally everyone else.

Along with that, she made Cody look frightfully uncomfortable, which in truth, I had no good reason to be irritated by.

Despite having to ride in economy at the end of the the day, I didn't feel so uncomfortable. Okay, physically I was miserable, but a plane ride with Owen is never boring. When he finally got over the initial fear of heights anyway.

"That Alejandro is really good at these challenges" Owen mused quietly. Most everyone was asleep. Owen was awake out of fear, but a few aspirin later he was mellow and lazily monologuing to me. Which would've been fine if I hadn't been tired as hell.

"I don't like him" I said, messing with the fraying seam of my sweater vest.

"Why not?"

I tried to come up with a valid reason to dislike the new guy. He hadn't done anything in particular that was coherently bad, but somewhere deep in my gut I knew he shouldn't be handed our trust so easily.

"He's just too good to be true, y'know? He's like Heather if she was actually good at challenges"

"She did get pretty far in the first season" Owen said defensively, and quickly looked around, as if Heather were listening and waiting for us to say something insulating just so she could attack us.

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