Sell Out Celebrities

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It probably wasn't in my best interest to wear the same sweater vest that I had worn the entirety of season one to the Gemmy Awards. But as it turned out, no one really made any effort to dress in any particular way, so I ended up looking exactly like I did a year ago when I sold my soul to Total Drama.

I got a call from Chris about an hour before the Awards telling me exactly how he wants me to make my entrance. Turns out, the media's been looking for me. Living under the radar while everyone else lived in the spotlight had only made the viewers more curious about me. I was kicking myself in the head because of it.

I was going to take a limo. Which seemed unnecessary and extra, but whatever. I would also be  one of the last ones to arrive, right before the Drama Brothers. I guess my disappearance from the media went noticed enough that Celebrity Manhunt's exploiting it. Go figure those superficial snobs would do that. But then again, I probably would too. 

I got a call just before I was headed down to meet the limo. It was Chris, telling me to order him Starbucks 

The first thing I was when the limo start pulling to a stop was a girl with obnoxiously purple hair standing beside the red carpet. She was holding a mic, but I didn't recognize her as one of the Celebrity Manhunt assholes. As soon as the limo pulled to a stop, that was my queue to start ordering Chris's coffee. The purple chick started talking either to me or about me, but I ignored her either way. She left it at that and listened to something in her earpiece, which judging by her face, couldn't have been good news. I took a look at everyone. Not the desperate, possibly horny fans. But the other ex-campers. Some of them I hadn't seen since this morning at the hotel, and some of them I hadn't seen since the finale of season 2. I came to the realization that this wasn't just a reunion special, but that some of these teens would be thrown back into the arena for round three. Yet none of them knew that. 

While I was soaking it in, I heard the purple girl's voice talking again. When I turned around I saw the Drama Brothers for the first time. Well, I had seen Trent this morning in the hotel halls, and I saw Justin last night when he came into my room. But they weren't who I was looking at. I'm sure you can guess who caught my eyes first. 

Harold was the first one of them to speak, but I couldn't really hear him over the chatter from the paparazzi. Cody said something too, but I didn't hear that either. For the first time in my life, I was thankful I was wearing sunglasses. I caught myself staring at him, and I couldn't tell you why. I mean, there's no feelings between us, and not too strong a friendship. But there was something about him that just felt... familiar. Which is ridiculous, because of course he's familiar, we've been stuck together on this ass-pit reality show for over a year. But there was something about him that just made my heart feel comfortable. Maybe it was the way his fair fell on either side of his face, or his tooth gap, or his gem-like eyes that danced in the light of the camera flashes.

I stopped myself before I could list another reason to keep looking at him. For a moment, I forgot why we even broke up in the first place. But I'm Noah Sterecra and I have control over trivial things like highschool crushes on geeky brunette kids. And luckily, I didn't have enough time to finish my thought before I was a large man emerge from the entrance of the building. He spoke with a grimace that made me cringe inside.

"Famous people only. And of about 5 seconds ago, that excludes you"

Chef was talking to us, but somehow what he was saying wasn't registering in my head. I was just waiting for Chris to come out and make a big deal about how I was his assistant all summer.

Gwen made some snarky comeback to Chef. That was when Chris came out from behind the doors.

He called me up to bring him his coffee and muffin. Seeing Chris in person made me remember how much he grinds my gears.

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