Ejected From The Closet

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I know that hotels are supposed to be relaxing and luxurious, but for me it smells too much like Clorox and feels too busy.

Apparently Celebrity Manhunt had paid for the entire TDI cast to stay in the highest rated hotel in Toronto, and presumably the most expensive. When Tyler and I got to the address of the hotel that was enclosed in the emails we had received, I could immediately tell the hotel was reserved solely for us. In fact, the first thing that caught my eye was a young man sitting in an armchair in the hotel lobby strumming a guitar and singing. The voice sounded raw and confident, yet mellow. And without the boy having to turn around, I knew exactly who it was.

"I told her I was a flop with chicks, I've been this way since 1956"

I didn't want to interrupt Trent's music, so Tyler and I hit the counter to check in. The young woman at the front seemed to immediately recognize us, so we didn't have to do any ID business.

"Okay, Mr. Sterecra, your room is 415. Mr. Kenard, your room is 407"

The girl handed us our keys, and two bell boys took our luggage.

"Thanks again for drivin me man" I said, patting Tyler firmly on the shoulder. He gave a nod, but didn't seem like he was entirely listening. I took a glace at the door and saw an entire trolley full of luggage. The next thing to come through the hotel doors was a ridiculous dress attached to Lindsay. She was clearly dressed to be expecting paparazzi, as she was adorned in the most glittery, shiney, and revealing dress a 17 year old can legally wear in public.

"Hey Jockstrap, I'm heading up to my room" I said. Tyler nodded, and silently followed me to the elevator.

"You can do much better" I said soberly. He nodded half-heartedly, staring at the elevator doors. God, I hate the smell of elevators. It smells too sterile for being a box of dust and human breath. 


For the first time since Playa Des Losers, I got my own hotel room. And for the first time in Total Drama history, the room was quite nice. There were actually two bedrooms on each side of the living room. I ended up throwing my suitcases in one of the rooms, and immediately crashed on the sofa. I mean, I had been sleeping in the back of Tyler's car for the last few days, and Mama needs a nap.  

The moment my body hit the couch, I felt myself melt in comfort. I must've immediately crashed, because I didn't hear anyone at the door until the person behind it started yelling my name.

"I'm coming" I groaned. I figured it was Tyler coming to whine about Lindsay, and was trying to think of an excuse on why I couldn't listen. 

Sorry Tyler, I'd love to listen to you vent, but I have to video call my dog before his bedtime. 

But when I opened the door, it wasn't Tyler. It was someone I had almost forgot about. He entered without even saying anything. He sat down on my sofa momentarily, but then got restless and began pacing.

"Something wrong, Justin?" 

He lifted his head to glare at me, but then went back to pacing. 

"Noah, you're gay, right?" 

"Oho yeah"  I replied flatly. 

What the hell is this about? 

I sat down, hoping Justin would do the same. He didn't.

"There are certain rules about being gay right? Like if the lights are on, or you say 'no homo'?"

"Uh, I don't..." 

He cut me off and began rambling about the "rules" of "no homo". None of it really made any sense to me, as he would start a sentence before finishing the last. 

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