Invaluable Trauma

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Being shipped out to Hawaii was actually pretty sweet. For one thing, the crusty motel we had been staying in for far too long was replaced with a mediocre Hilton just outside of Honolulu. It was such a big upgrade I found myself getting excited. The room had a hairdryer and clean sheets, and that was good enough for me. Trent and Tyler had claimed a room together, so I was stuck with Justin (who didn't seem super thrilled about it). I had half a mind to tell Justin to go somewhere else so Cody could stay with me, but I didn't think he'd be spending any nights in the hotel with us. My guess is Cheapskate McClean sent us back to Canada the second the cameras turned off.

"Ugh," Justin scoffed, TV remote in hand, "The only almost tolerable show on is this rerun of Queer Eye For The Straight Guy"

"What's wrong with Queer Eye?" I asked, combing out my freshly washed hair.

"They're so... I don't know. Gay?"

I held back the biggest eye roll I'd had since Cody tried talking Star Wars to me.

"You're gay too you son of an asscheek"

Justin blushed a bright shade of magenta.

"I, uh, I'm not... Shut the hell up"

I have to say, Justin didn't get enough credit for being a full-fledged dipshit.

"Speaking of gay, I thought Trent was supposed to bring Tyler over to watch a movie with us"

"He is. He's just placing his bets first" he said, deciding that Queer Eye was good enough for now.


Were we even allowed to place bets on the other contestants?

"Yeah, Geoff and Duncan opened up a betting pool. I'll probably stick ten bucks on Alejandro tonight"

I wrinkled my nose in disgust, and not even on purpose.

"Really? Alejandro?"

Justin scoffed quietly.

"Who else would I bet my money on? Heather? Cody?"

I pursed my lips.

"What's wrong with Cody?"

"Oh nothing's wrong with him, I love the guy, but I'd have to be a total Tyler to bet money on him over Alejandro"

A total Tyler? I'll have to remember that one.

And Justin did have a point, but it didn't frustrate me any less. Cody had gotten himself this far in the competition, it wouldn't be fair to count him out.

And later that night, when Justin went down to the hotel pool where Geoff and Duncan's betting pool was, I went with him and slipped a twenty in Cody's tin.


Another great thing about the new hotel, was there was no one keeping us there. Which gave me the perfect opportunity to shop for a present for Cody.

Justin had gotten a cab to take into the city (thank you Drama Brothers money), and him, myself, Trent, and Tyler went to downtown Honolulu. We found a marketplace that held all kinds of vendors and merchandise. What would be an appropriate birthday gift for Cody?

A giant poster that says "Sorry for being a huge dumbass"?

I followed Justin to a booth that sold beautifully made jewelry out of wood, seashells, shark teeth, etc. While it might've been a good gift for someone like Justin (mental note to casually mention it to Trent), Cody wasn't much into jewelry.

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