Chapter 3

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      I applied pressure to the huge gash on my mom. After about 10 mins we were infront of the hospital, I quickly opened the door and I carried my mom. I didn't want Jungkook to carry my mom anymore I could handle it even with my injured hand. Jungkook followed me into the hospital while calling his hyungs on the phone. I ran threw the doors of the hospital and a nurse looked at me and quickly found a stretcher to put my mom on. I gently placed my mom on the stretcher and let her go I know where not allowed to be back there so I didn't go with the nurse.

      I went to the front desk and checked in my mom, Jungkook and myself. "Do you need some help with your hand?" I looked at my hand and the blood still hasn't stopped pouring out. I sighed, it would just be more to the medical bill but I nodded, "Hey can you also help him." I said pointing to Jungkook. "No problem, I'll get someone up here in no time." I nodded and sat down next to Jungkook and a lady. "Are they coming?" He looked at me and nodded he looked so horrible.

      "You look horrible Jungkook, I'm sorry I dragged you into this." He chuckled "it's okay, I kinda dragged myself into this as well....." I looked at him and then I heard screaming, "WHERES MY JUNGKOOKIE!!!" I looked at where it came from and it was Jin who screamed. I laughed and waved at them, "Oh yeah Jungkook your also getting treatment by the way." "Thank you." I nodded suddenly there were so many arms wrapped around Jungkook and I. I could tell it was his hyungs.

      "Are you guys okay?" They all said in unison, we both nodded and then I heard Jungkook and my name called. "Y/n..Jungkook?" I looked at the direction our names was called and there was a nurse. We all walked towards her and stoped infront of her. "Hey can we come with you guys?" "Yes, you all can." She turned around and we all followed her. It was a pretty decent room enough space for everyone to be in it was pretty cute too. "Jungkook and Y/n I need you to sit here." She said pointing to two chairs. We sat down while the others sat down on the sofa. She sat down infront of us and had two trays with different things on each side of us, probably one tray for one person and same for the other.

      "Who wants to go first?" "Jungkook! Y/n!" We both said in unison, we looked at each other and laughed. "He goes first I dragged him into this. "No you did no-" "Shut up kook just get treated first!" I yelled back at him, he became quiet and got treated first. I smiled at his lost and thought how my mom was doing, "I have a question?" The nurse hummed in response while working on Jungkook. "Will I be notified when my mom gets out of the ER." She stoped working on Jungkook with sad eyes "Oh my..Yes definitely and if not I'll file a complaint." I nodded and was now thinking if the police had got my dad yet.

"Hyung~~let me watch the TV!" Jin sighed and nodded to notify Taehyung that he could watch TV. The first station was the news, my heart sunk. "Man in his mid 30's ran away from his family's home after abusing his wife and daughter!" I looked at Taehyung he was about to switch it. "TAEHYUNG!!!" He looked at me and cocked his head to the side. "Don't switch the channel." I looked back at the TV, they were taking a video of our house and how messy it was because of the fight. There was blood everywhere and the knife that I cut my hand with on the floor someone took it and put it in a plastic bag. I sighed "great my dad is on the loose." I whispered under my breath.

"Y/n may I see your hand." I unwrapped my hand and there was a huge gash on it, it had dried blood and fresh blood. "What happened?" I nervously laughed and signaled Taehyung he can change the channel. Jungkook was looking at my hand and had the most concerned look on his face. "Well..long story short that was my dad who fled the scene on the news and I cut myself with the knife he had." She looked at me, and had worry in her eyes. I gave her a reassuring smile that I was going to be fine. I looked at Jungkook and he was speechless. "You have something to say?"

I asked Jungkook, he gulped and started speaking. "H-how could you have that big gash on your hand and still carry your mom!?!" I sadly chuckled at him, "I know this is weird to say but I'm "used" to it when I was younger my dad would always come back home late drunk and abuse me and my mom. Then one time I had a gash on my left tiny hand and had to help my mom with her wounds and stuff. That's why I never fight back if guys pick on me." I glared at Jungkook when the last sentence came. He awkwardly smiled at me. I looked at the other 6 and they were looking at me. "Did I say too much?" They all shook there heads and they were wide eyed.

The nurse was almost done with my hand when we heard a knock. Knock knock knock RM got up opened the door. "Y/n.. your mom is out, if you wanted to see her she's in room 1997." "Thank you so much!" The nurse at the door closed the door and then the nurse started to write something on a paper. It was probably her number for Jungkook. "Here call me when you have a chance I want to be friends. My name is Lisa." She handed me the piece of paper and smiled at me. "Your very cute my the way!" Lisa chuckled at me and smiled "under all those bruises your way prettier then me!" We laughed and we hugged each other then I left.

"Hey I'm going to see my mom, you guys can go but leave me a car and the keys please." "Y/n you can't even drive with your hand! We're all coming with you!" They all said. I laughed and started walking to the elevator, with each floor there was note beside where the range of rooms are. We had to go on the 7 floor, and to room 1997. We walked down the hall then we were at the door. I knocked on it and I heard a soft "come in". I opened the door and my mom looked so weak, I walked to her and hugged her but not to tight. "Was it the same as always come home drunk and beat you up?" She nodded and I started tearing up, "I'm sorry Mom I should've been home." She place her hands on my cheeks and caressed my cheek. "It's fine don't worry."

She looked over my shoulder and saw them. "Hello boys!" She was still so joyful even after she was in surgery. They all waved and smiled at her. She pointed at Jungkook and started to thank him. "Thank you..for helping my daughter get out off this situation and helping us." "Your welcome Ms." I looked at her and a tear fell, "Mom we got bad news."She looked at me, "After we left I reported Dad and before the police could come Dad fled the scene." "So he's on the loose?" "Yeah he is and want to make sure your safe with me." She nodded, I had a idea. "Hey guys let my mom rest for a minute let's talk out side." They nodded and we left the room and stood in front the door.

      "Guys I know you guys may not allow this but, since the police is at our house can my mom and I stay with you guys?" They all looked at me with concern and nodded. "You can stay as long as needed Y/n." "Thank you guys so much I owe you guys big time!" Then a doctor was walking towards us. We opened the door and went inside while the doctor followed. My mom was sleeping on the bed. "Are you guys all family of Ms. Park?" We all hummed in response, and he nodded. "Sir how many days till my mom gets discharged?" I flipped through his papers and suddenly stoped. "In a week or so but we have to do a check up sense she lost a lot of blood." I nodded and he left the room. I went to my mom and kissed her forehead. "Let's go I'll be back tomorrow with some food for her." They nodded and we left the hospital in 2 different cars.

Word count: 1530 word

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