Chapter 14

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Y/n Pov

      I smiled and led the way Jungkook following after me. Once we made it to the car, I went to the passenger side and hopped inside once Jungkook unlocked the car. I buckled up as Jungkook turned in the car and started to pull out of the driveway. "Night bun bun..." I said before falling asleep, resting my head on the glass window.

Jungkook POV

      I continued driving back home thinking about Jiwoo and how beautiful she was. I chuckled softly to myself till my phone ring. I looked at the ID caller that was displayed on the car screen and saw "❤️Jiwoo baby❤️" I smiled softly and picked up the phone. I brung it up to my ear as I answered the call. I looked at Y/n to make sure she was asleep.

      "Kookie!!! Where are you? I miss you!" I chuckled and shook my head turning to the right. "Mhm..I'm out shopping baby. Don't worry, I'm on my way back to my dorm. What's up baby?" I said, all of a sudden a random car pulled out in front of Y/n's car and I stepped on the break. Accidentally dropping my phone, under the seat and cursing at the car in front of us.


      I woke up due to Jungkook stepping on the break and cursing loudly. I looked at our surroundings seeing a car continue to drive and Jungkook sighed loudly. I looked at the car screen to see Jungkook was on the phone with...Jiwoo baby with hearts? I looked at Jungkook staying silent and he reached under his seat and grabbed his phone.

      "Bun bun? Everything okay?" I said and saw him quickly end the call, "u-uh Yeah!! You okay baby?" I looked out the window and nodded. "Mhm..I'm fine.." I said before resting my head back onto the chair.

      He gently held my hand with a smile on his face. "Babe~ be happy~ you seem upset!!" He said smiling like the cute bunny he was. I giggled and shook my head, "I'm happy baby, I'm just confused and thinking.." I said

      "Hmm..." He said driving, "If your tired baby, go back to sleep okay?" I nodded and clicked the screen to play radio music. I hummed softly to the random song that was playing. "Babe! How about you sing!! Instead of humming!" Jungkook said, I shook my head. "I don't sing good.." I said as Jungkook pouted and pecked my lips.

      "You sing great baby! Just sing!" I smiled and squeezed his hand, "Fine..."
(Please play the sing above!! Also I'm skipping to when the she finishes singing! Also credits to Khalid for singing this beautiful song.)

     Jungkook clapped happily and smiled happily. "See! You sing so good babe!" I blushed and shook my head, "No I don't.." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Shut up baby! You know you sing well, you just won't admit it." He said rubbing my thigh. I grabbed his hand and held it and smiled a little.

      "You sing better then me so it doesn't matter!" I said and leaned over and pecked his cheek. "Shh~ you sing good! We both do!" Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes and tried to pecked my lips. I moved away quickly and looked outside of the window pretending to be fascinated by what's outside.

      "Wah! It's so pretty!" I said and pointed outside, "Look Jungkookie!" I said and looked back at Jungkook and saw him pouting. "Y/n come on now, we've drove by here all the time!" I giggled and shrugged, "Why didn't you let me kiss you?" Jungkook asked and glanced at me. "Because I don't want to be given kisses when your talking to apparently another girl!" I said and crossed my arms, Jungkook has looked at me as he pulled in the driveway to the shared house that all the boys shared.

      "What girl?" Jungkook said as he looked worried, "Jiwoo." I said and unbuckled my seat belt. "Let me see your phone." I said trying to be stern and a strong woman, Jungkook handed me his phone without hesitation and smiled. I eyed Jungkook and went to his contacts and saw "❤️Jiwoo baby❤️" I was mad jealous but I didn't let it show.

      I looked at Jungkook with hopefully eyes hoping that he isn't cheating on me. "Who is Jiwoo?" I asked and turned off his phone and set it down on my lap. "S-she' girlfriend..." Jungkook stuttered and I nodded, "You know...I had faith in you to love me and not anyone else Jungkook. I wanted you to be mine for a long time and now that I have you I tried my best to spoil you." I explained and gave him back his phone, "Why'd you not just break up with me?" I said giving him a fusillade of questions.

      "I'm sorry baby.." Jungkook said and reached for my hands I moved even further away from Jungkook and shook my head. "Don't call me 'baby' anymore. Just explain to me and I will leave, from your life." I said and looked down at my lap, "We-well I didn't want to hurt you.." I scoffed and looked at him. "Jungkook! It hurts me more that your not telling me and just lying to my face for I don't know how long!"

      Jungkook nodded and sighed. "It wasn't look Y/n I was only a week! I-I met her last week.." I looked at Jungkook in disappointment and pulled my fingers to distract myself. "You knew her for a week and started dating? It took us over 2 weeks to start dating." I said sad and slightly disgusted. "Yes...I'm sorry y/n.." He said and I quickly got out and ran to the door and knocked on the door hoping someone would open it before Jungkook would get to the door.

      "Y/n! Please!" Jungkook said and I smiled seeing the door open, I ran inside and hugged Jin who opened the door then ran to the my room. I closed my door and locked it I threw myself onto the bed and lied on it. I didn't cry I just lied there feeling empty and and sad. "Why?" I said and switched my clothes into something comfortable.

      "Y/n? Are you okay?" Jin asked I nodded my head like Jin could even see. "Jungkook came inside worried and scared what happened? What's wrong between you two?" I popped up from the bed and opened my door quickly and pulled Jin into my room. Jin looked a me and I smiled at him, I locked the door and went back to my bed.

      "What's wrong?" Jin asked and I looked at him and shrruged. "Long story short Jungkook was cheating on me we've broken up? I mean..I don't know if we have or haven't but like...I don't want to talk to him right now." Jin looked at me with widen eyes when his mouth opened wide and he started yelling.

"JEON JUNGKOOK GET YOUR BUTT IN Y/N'S ROOM RIGHT NOW!!!" Jin yelled and got up and opened my door pullig Jungkook in by his ear.


I'm back with another chapter. Not really eventful but I hope you like this chapter! - Kookie__Tae ❤❤

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