Chapter 12

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I woke up too the sound of ringing. I sighed and sat up with Jungkook still hugging me. I looked at phone and realized it wasn't my phone ringing. I looked at Jungkook's and saw his was the one ringing. I reached over and picked it up, "Jagiya~" I froze. "What? Excuse me?" I looked at Jungkook and then the phone. "Excuse me? Who are you?" I bit my lip, "I'm Jungkook's girlfriend." "No. I'm Jungkook's girlfriend, Kim Jiwoo!" I looked at Jungkook and then hung up the phone. I placed it back and lied back down, "Jagiya~" I looked at Jungkook and softly smiled. "Morning~" I ruffled his hair and pecked his nose. "Kookie I have a question..?" I said softly, "Hmm.." He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Are you seeing someone besides me?" I asked while crossing my arms.

"What!?! Made you think of that? I only love you!" He said sitting up and wrapping arm around me, pulling me onto his lap. "Well...never mind." I softly smiled and kissed his lips. "Are you sure your not lying?" I asked, he nodded and pouted. "Do you not believe me?" I cupped his face, "I believe you it's just something okay?" He nodded and smiled. "You ready to go downstairs?" He asked and I nodded. I moved away from him and I winced in pain. I fell back on the bed, I glared at Jungkook. He looked at me, "What?" "Carry went to hard." I said.

He laughed and got out of bed, walking to my side and carrying me to the bathroom. "Let's take a shower together, so I can help you just in case." I nodded and smiled. "Thank you kookie~" he smiled and pecked my lips, "You have no other introns right?" I asked and he nodded. He walked inside the shower and turned on the water. "Babe? Who's Jiwoo?" I asked while standing in the water. I washed my hair waiting for his answer, "S-she's my cousin! Why do you ask?" "Why are you stuttering?" I asked. He suddenly winced and I looked at him. "Turn the water cooler it's to hot!!"

I obeyed and changed he water. I looked at Jungkook and put soap in his hair, "Wash up." I said washing my body, he nodded and started washing his hair. I washed my body off and he washed his hair. He quickly washed and rinsed his body before turning off the water. I opened my arms and he carried me back to the bedroom. I smiled when he placed my down to grab towels. He gave one to me as he dried himself, he wrapped the towel around his waist and went inside the closet. "By the way you never answered my question." He said walk by out with clothes in his hands. I went in and grabbed casual clothes cause I'll be going to the hospital. To visit mom again, "What question?" I asked.

I walked out and wrapped my hair in the towel while I put on my clothes. "About Jiwoo. I asked you about how'd you know about her." I looked at him and grabbed my phone and wallet. "Oh...I uh..this morning she called." I softly said, he nodded. "Is she dating or married?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, " She's not." He said, "Why stuttering now?" I asked putting my hands on my hips, he pulled his shirt over his head with a struggle. "The shirt is a tiny bit tight." He said, I nodded and helped him with his shirt. "Is it okay if I go to the hospital later?" I asked while wiping his shirt. He smiled and nodded, "As long as I come with you. And maybe later we can go to the mall and grab some clothes." He smiled, I nodded.

I walked out of the room and walked down to the kitchen. I saw everyone sitting there and smiling at me. I smiled back and sat down, "Daddy~" I looked at Jimin and raised an eyebrow. "I'm all yours~" Hoseok said, I looked at the two. "What are you g-" I blushed a deep shade of red. "P-please Daddy~!!" Taehyung said laughing and holding his stomach. I looked at Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon. They were smiling and laughing. "P-please Daddy~" Yoongi imitated, I blushed and covered my face. "S-stop Guys..." I looked away and saw Jungkook coming down the stairs.

"Jungkook!! Help me~ there teasing me!!!" I stood up and walked over to Jungkook he smiled and held my waist. "A-ah Daddy~" He said pinching my cheeks, I pouted and and left his embrace. I pushed him and walked out the door and started walking to the hospital. I walked the corner when a caught my wrist. I stopped and looked back I saw Jungkook. I sighed, "What." I said he held my waist and pecked my lips. "I'm sorry baby~ I just wanted to see your reaction.." he softly said kissing my lips softly. I placed my hands on his chest and softly smiled, "I understand I might've been loud....but don't tease me." I said hugging him back.

He nodded and smiled, "Do you want to go back and eat breakfast? Or do you want to go to the hospital?" He said softly, I smiled and pecked his lips. "Let's go back. So it's easier to go to the mall." He nodded and picked me up bring us back to the house. He dropped me off right the door and I walked back in, going into dinning room. I sat down and avoided looking at them, "We're Sorry y/n...." They all said at once. I looked up and smiled, "It's fine..I'm sorry for being loud." I softly said, Taehyung chuckled. "I mean honestly how big Jungkook is. I don't blame you!" I laughed and looked at Jungkook. "HYUNG!!!" Jungkook stood up and dragged taehyung out of his seat.

I chuckled and watched the two, taehyung was dying n the floor from Jungkook tickling him. I smiled and pulled Jungkook off of taehyung, "Let's eat breakfast!" Jin said out loud. I smiled and nodded, Jungkook and I quickly ate breakfast and stood up at the same time. "Y/n and I are going to the hospital! And the mall!" Jungkook announced before walking over to the sink and dropping his dishes in the sink. I nodded and quickly washed Jungkook and I's dishes.

"Bye guys!!!" We both yelled before leaving the house. I locked the door and we both got in Jungkook car, "Ready?" He asked while buckling up, I nodded and put on my seat belt. "Then let's go~" I smiled and he grabbed my hand. He intertwined our finger and started driving to the hospital.

*At the hospital*

We both walked in and signed our names and who we are to my mom. We walked to her room and saw her eating breakfast, I smiled and held her hand. "Morning eomma~" I said smiling. "Aigoo morning my beautiful daughter!" She looked pass me and saw Jungkook. "Ah~ good morning Jungkook-ah!" Jungkook walked closer and bowed showing respect. "Morning eomma!" I smiled and hugged my mom. "Are you ready to come and live with us now? They said you get discharged today." I said looking at her, she nodded and smiled. "But who are we staying with?" I pointed to Jungkook, "Kookie and his friends." I smiled and she nodded, "You cute couple~" I smiled and pecked Jungkook's cheek.

"Eomma! We'll take our leave. They'll inform us about when you can leave." She nodded and smiled, "Bye bye!" I smiled and kissed her cheek before leaving with Jungkook. I saw Lisa coming down the hall, she smiled and ran over to us. "Y/n!!!" I smiled and she chuckled, I heard Jungkook's phone ring. "Aish~ jagi I'll be right back!" I nodded and turned my attention to Lisa. "So busy morning?" I asked she nodded and sighed. "So How was your date with taehyung?" I asked and smiled, she blushed and smiled. "I had fun! Like lots!" I smiled and nodded, "We actually planned to go on another date today.." I smiled and hugged her. "Yay!! My girl is getting a man!!"

"Yep!" She smiled and hugged back, "Lisa!!" I looked behind her and saw another nurse. "Oh! Gotta go..see you later!" I nodded and she ran over to the other nurse I turned around and saw Jungkook smiling. "Hi baby! Ready to go now?" He asked, I nodded and smiled. He took hold of my hand and we walked out of the hospital.

Jungkook POV

I heard my phone ring and I sighed. I pulled it out and saw ***** I looked at y/n and Lisa and excused myself. I picked up the phone call and smiled. "Hi baby~" I leaned against the wall, "Morning baby~ whatcha doing?" "Nothing *****" She hummed and I chuckled, "Well I gotta go baby! I'll talk to you later!" "Wait kookie! Who's that girl this morning? Was that y/n?" ***** asked, "Probably. I don't know baby I was sleeping." "Hmm~ Okay. But be careful baby! Love you!" I smiled, "Bye love~ See you when you come back!" I smiled and hung up walking back over to y/n. I stood behind her and smiled.
Hello~ thanks for reading this chapter! This didn't really have anything important..Okay it kinda does anyway~ who's do you think Jungkook is calling baby? I'm so happy I made this twist~ anyways thanks for ready and bye bye! -Kookie__Tae❤️❤️

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