♔ N I N E ♔

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Disclaimer: This chapter is triggering!! If you don't like reading about kidnapping/torture do NOT read this. You can just skip to the nextchapter. ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️🚨🚨🚨🚨

-Flash back-

Waverly woke up in complete darkness, intense piercing pain was shooting up and down her body. The world seemed in slow motion as adrenaline pulsates through her veins with thundering booms.

"Ah, finally she's awake." An excited voice pointed out. Waverly immediately recognized the voice. Champ yanked the mask off of her face revealing a bruised eye and a deep cut on her cheek. The young girl stared into Champs eyes, not a flinch of guilt passes those cold eyes, Waverly almost saw the twisted pleasure radiating off his skin.

"Finally, took her long enough." Tucker rolled his eyes and moved closer to Waverly.

The Earp's throat seemed like it shut itself closed, she tried to talk but it wouldn't budge. Waverly tried crawling away from Tucker and Champ but rusty chains rapped around her arms and legs.

"Where do you think your going?" Champ questioned and pushed Waverly back down on the damp, cold, floor.

"Where am I?" Waverly finally croaked out. She didn't recognize anything, it was dark except for a small spot of sunlight from a gap in the floor board from above. There were old wooden steps that led to a locked trapped door. The brick walls that surrounded them were chipped and dirty and the floor had insects crawling all over the place.

 The brick walls that surrounded them were chipped and dirty and the floor had insects crawling all over the place

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"Welcome to my humble abode." Tucker exclaimed, gesturing wildly.

Champ laughed  watching Tucker tap Waverly on her nose making her flinch.

"Why the hell am I here?" Waverly snapped, trying to act brave but in reality she was dying inside. The girls wrists were sore from from how tight the chains were.

Tucker made a tsking noise and continued to say: "Rule number one, don't ask questions."

Waverly was frightened at what happened next. Champs and Tucker's eyes glowed bright red.
She gasped when Champs cold knife touched her skin. Champ made a slash in Waverly's arm it stung like fire entering her blood.

"I think she learned her lesson." Champ told Tucker who nodded in return. Right when Tucker was about to say something else a doorbell rang.

"We'll be right back." Champ brushed of his pants and followed Tucker out of the basement.

Once they were out of site Waverly let out a a big breath she's been holding. A flood of Tears gushed down her blotchy red cheeks. The kindness girl in purgatory dating a revenant, it brought shivers down her spine. Not only that but she is in a basement being held captive by two revenants. Revenants! Who would of thought.

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