You're unlike any girl, well to them you are. Different from the start, with secrets to hide and people to protect.
You're strong.
Doesn't like bullies.
But you have a past and story to it.
What could possibly happen when s...
A/N I decided to go with something a little different then my other stories. I'm not going to put Profiles or a prologue. I've decided to just start it. Hope you'll like it this way. Also it may be shorter.
{Exo's POV}
"Get up Sehun!" Suho yells.
"Sehun!" Chanyeol whines. And the younger boy sits up and see's everyone waiting for him.
"Oh are we going?" he asks getting up. They all head to the car and get in and go to school.
"UGH....Why do we have school?" Baekhyun complains.
"Because we have to be like normal human teens." Chen explains.
"We have to act normal." D.O. shortens.
"Why can't you let me sleep longer?" Sehun says sleepily.
"Stop~" the rest of them say.
{Y/N's POV}
I woke up and saw what time it was. SHIT we were going to be late on our first day! I run into the other rooms. "GUYS GET UP WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" The girls jump up and we get on the school uniform.
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"This really doesn't soot my style." Yujin says.
"I like this though." Woolim says.
"We should hurry girls." I say and we head to the van. I get in the drivers seat and once everyone is in safely, I drive off.
"Do you think we'll get along with the others there?" Eunjin asks.
"I think we'll do fine if we don't cause trouble." Yujin warns.
"Yeah we just have to be our selves~" Yunji says cutely. I turn on some music and we all start to sing to our own songs.
{At School}
I parked the car and we all go out. We looked around at the school, taking in it's features. "So this is where we'll be attending school, from now on? huh..." I exclaim. Woolim leads us in, since she is kinda like the leader of all of us. As we're walking in, I noticed a group of girls and boys surrounding some people. I try to look over the crowd but see nothing.
"Y/N come on..." Yunji says. I nod following behind them, however I was still curious to who was in the center of that crowd. Most of our classes, we had together, except for our first one. Woolim and Eunjin were going to math. Yujin and Yunji had science together. I had English on my own.
"Well, we'll see you later." Woolim says and she and Eunjin leave.
"See you later~" I call to them and then proceed to finding my class. I walked with Yunjin and Yunji until they found their class. I continued until, I bumped into someone and fell onto the ground. "Owww...." wincing I look up to the person. My eyes are met with a tall boy.
He looks down at me and offers his hand to me. Taking it he apologizes, "I'm so sorry~" He had a weird hair color.
"Oh it's okay." I exclaim, "It's my fault."
"GET BACK HERE!!!!" a loud yell travels through the air, from down the hall. The guy I was just talking to dashes off and another guy appears. "Did you see where that orange head went?!"
I nod and point in the way the other guy disappeared. The other guy ran towards the direction I pointed in as I continued my search for my class. The bell rang but I still hadn't found my class yet.
I sighed looking around completely lost, "Are you okay?" a voice came through my ears. I look up meeting the eyes of a taller boy. He had black hair and was dressed nicely in the uniform, with his tie loosened.
"Umm....yeah I just can't find my class." I say, "I'm one of the new students here."
He nods, "Well I'm Lay, do you want some help finding that class?" he asks. He's really calm. I nod as he takes my timetable. "Let's have English with Mrs. Ray, oh cool we're in the same class....."
"Oh umm...I'm Y/N." I mention, he nods and smiles.
"Well Y/N I'm lay your new official friend." We walk to our class talking on the way there. As we enter though the atmosphere is heavy.
"Lay...let me guess you were sleeping again?" Mrs. Ray says tapping her foot madly and she looks at the other 3 boys that were late.
"No..." he scratches the back of his head awkwardly, "Actually I was guiding the new student to her class." he responds moving out of the way.
Her eyes meet mines and she immediately smiles, "Oh well good job, sit down." she rendered to Lay. Nodding he took his seat, in the back by another boy. "Well hello, I'm Mrs. Ray and welcome to my class . Please introduce yourself."
"Hi I'm Y/N." I exclaim and bow 90 degrees.
"Well let's see, where should I put you?" she declares looking around the room, "You may sit in the back over there. Kai raise your hand please." I see a boy with black hair raise his hand, I go and sit next to him. Mrs. Ray continues to lecture the three boys from the beginning.
{Later on in class.}
I felt like some was staring at me and looked over. It was Kai, I stare back and he smirks then winks, turning back to the teacher. I was shocked, "Miss Y/N since you feel like you don't have to pay attention to my lesson, why not read the paragraph on the board?" Mrs. Ray announces.
I look at the bored and see a paragraph in English. I look through it, I hear some snickering Straightening my back I start to read it flawlessly. After I finished Mrs. Ray looked impressed. "Good Job, even though your doing good please focus." I nod and she continues on with the lesson.
{End of 1st class.}
I got my stuff and walked out when I bumped into.....Kai. I tried to move out of his way but he held me up against the wall. "What do you think your doing?" I say in a cold tone.
"Don't be so cold baby," he says and smirks. I slip out of his grip and pins his arm behind his back.
"I can be cold if I want and who do you you're calling baby?" I say and he just chuckles.
"I love it when they play hard to get." he says and my grip tightens until I hear...