Part 12 {EDITED}

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A/N hello, last time I left you with an unfair explanation. But I swear I'll explain it. 

{Yujin's POV}

Y/N's been acting weird ever since she left with Lay. I wonder what happened. I'll ask her about it. After class I wait for her and then pull her up to the roof. "Yujin?" 

"Y/N the others might not have noticed but I did, what's up?" I ask her and she hugs me. I just pat her back. "Just let it all out." She cries on my shoulder. As tough as she acts she's just a big baby. 

~20 minutes later~

"I understand, so you'll just have to be careful." I say and I hug her. "Do you want to stay here, for the rest of the period?" She nods. 

"Yujin thanks, your always good to spot what's wrong." she says and hugs me. 

"That's what sisters are for." I say and we sit there during that class period. 


{Y/N's POV}

It's lunch and Yujin goes to get food while I just stay on the roof. I look over the railing and I see Lay walking with EXO and the others. I just stare at them and listen to their conversation. 

"Guys do you know where Y/N is?" Lay asks. 

"No I actually haven't seen her." Suho says. 

"Neither have I." Kai adds. 

"Maybe she's with her friends." Xiumin says. 

"Yeah but she wasn't in her last two classes." Lay says worriedly. 

"During the last break, I saw her and Yujin walking up to the roof." D.O says. 

"What?!" they all yell.

"How did you know that?!" Lay shakes him. 

"I saw Yujin grab her and lead her up to the roof." D.O explains. 

I see Lay run towards the building. My gosh D.O do you have to give away where I am. I was going to try and ignore him until I get my thoughts settled. I was just looking over out to the sky, when I hear the door slam open. I hear heavy breathing, I'm about to turn around when I'm pulled into a tight hug. 

"" Lay worriedly says. 

"...I-I was h-here..." I say, trying to move. "L-lay?" 

"Promise me, you won't leave." he says pulling me closer. I just nod and he puts his chin on my shoulder. "Now I see why you were up here. It's so peaceful." 

"L-Lay are you gonna let go now?" I ask a little flustered. 

"Why?" he whines. 

"Umm...because...." I try to come up with an excuse. 

"Let's skip the rest of school~" he says and pulls me out to the front of school and we go to a nearby cafe. We order some food and drinks and I text Yujin. "So what were you doing up there?" 

"I was reminded of my past." I say quietly but he still hears. 

"I'm sorry was it something I said." he asks. I just shake my head. "Well next time don't ignore me, come to me and I'll snuggle you." 

"Okay~" I say. After that we went to the mall but didn't buy anything since I kept going to look at games and stuff. After that we got some more food and went to get bubble tea and now he's walking me home. 

"Did you enjoy today?" he asks. 

"Hmmm.....I don't know." I say at my dorms steps. 

"What wasn't great?" he asks. 

"Umm... It was missing something." I say and he looks a little weird and nervous.  

"What was that?" he asks. I pull his collar and give him a short kiss and then run up the stairs. 

(Kinda like this...Love this drama.)

I get inside and fangirl about it. The others are looking at me weirdly. "Umm hi guys..." I say and they urge me to tell them everything. 

{Lay's POV} 

She kissed me, cute. I smile as I head back. I go to our dorm and when I walk in I see Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kai sitting in the living room. "Hey guys~" 

"Ooh what happened why are you all sweet?" Baekhyun teases. 

"Ooh what you do?" Kai says with a smirk. 

"Nothing, you guys are such children." I say. 

"If we're children then what does that make you?" Chanyeol says and they all laugh. 

"Hey, D.O. " I say and they all stop laughing and run to their rooms. I laugh and then go in the kitchen. 

"What did you do?" Suho asks as I walk in. 

"Scare them as always." I say. 

"I'm surprised you remembered that..." Chen says. "So what happened?" 

"Y/N....k-kissed m-me...." I say and they both look shocked. 

"Aww our sheep is growing up~" Suho says. I roll my eyes and go up to my room. I just think about her and how I'll get to hold her. 

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