You're unlike any girl, well to them you are. Different from the start, with secrets to hide and people to protect.
You're strong.
Doesn't like bullies.
But you have a past and story to it.
What could possibly happen when s...
A/N sorry the last part was kinda sad almost the whole way.
{Y/N's POV}
After we hug her, the others rush to go and get ready. "So what were you doing here mom?" I ask sitting next to her.
"Oh I was just wondering when I'll meet your boyfriend and came here for you to introduce him to me." she says casually.
"Oh mom, do you want me to call him here?" I ask.
"You don't have to if you don't want to. Plus he's probably getting ready-" she is cut off.
"I have my way of getting him here~" I say and call him.
"Hello?" Lay says.
"Lay, come quick!" I say, "Emergency!" The line dropped and I looked to my mom. "Just wait for it-"
The door bell rings and I walk to the door. I open it and see a panting Lay. "What...was...the...e-emergency?" I pull his arm and smile at him.
"Someone wanted to meet you~" I say and he looks at me confused and angry. We walk to the Kitchen and Mom is sitting exactly were she was. "Mom, this is Lay my boyfriend~"
{Lay's POV}
I was sitting on my bed when I got a call from Y/N. I answered it, "Hello?"
"Lay, come quick!" she says and I jump up. "Emergency!" once she said that I was already outside. I ended the call and headed there as fast as I could. I got there and rang the door bell. Y/N opened the door.
"What...was....the...e-emergency?" I ask out of breath. She just smiles at me and pulls my arm.
"Someone wanted to meet you~" she says and I was confused and a little angry. I rushed over here to meet someone. We walked into the kitchen and I saw a lady with beautiful colored hair sitting at the counter. "Mom, this is Lay, my boyfriend~" Y/N says and the lady turns around-Wait what? MOM, BOYFRIEND! I CAME TO MEET HER MOTHER!!!!
"Hello, I'm Y/N's mother." she says and holds out her hand for me to shake it. I take it and nod. Y/N hugs me for a shot amount of time.
"K i'm gonna go get ready~" she says and leaves. I stand there awkwardly, I was alone, in front of the love of my life's mother.
"You don't have to be nervous." she says and continues to drink her coffee, I think. I nod and sit down on one of the chairs. "She's quite the girl to get you here in such a short amount of time." I just nod, "But I only asked her about you and she decided to do this."
"What you mean you didn't ask to talk to me?" I ask confused and she nods. That girl...
"But I did want to talk to you," she says. "Do you love Y/N?"
I was surprised at the question but was sure that I did, "Yes, I love her a lot."
"That's good," she says and whispers something but I can't make it out. "Well she'll be in pain soon enough and I hope you can see through your anger at that time."
I was about to ask her what she meant but I heard some of the door closing. They must be done.
{Y/N's POV}
I left Lay with my mom and went to get ready. I was curious to use my super hearing to listen but didn't. I showered and then wore simple clothes.
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