You're unlike any girl, well to them you are. Different from the start, with secrets to hide and people to protect.
You're strong.
Doesn't like bullies.
But you have a past and story to it.
What could possibly happen when s...
A/N I currently choosing between who Y/N is going to be with. It's between Kai, Sehun and Lay. I just don't know who it will be.
{Y/N's POV}
After school, I saw Lay and the boys go behind the school.
Does anyone want to come with me to prove if we are right about EXO? I ask.
No. I'm okay. Yujin says.
Yeah, I'll come with you. Eunjin says.
I meet Eunjin at the back of the school and we see EXO and they are on a table sitting down. "To prove our theory should we transform?" Eunjin asks. I nod and we transform.
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{Sehun's POV}
We were all sitting down and deciding what we were going to do. Chanyeol and Baekhyun wanted to go running. Kai and Xiumin just wanted to relax. Suho, D.O. and Chen wanted to do homework, while me and Lay didn't care.
"Let's go run!" Chanbaek says. After a while we gave in to their request. While getting ready, we noticed two wolves emerging from the forest.
"Guys do you think those are other werewolves?" I question, while watching the wolves intently. The two wolves ignore us for the time being.
"Did anyone sense anything?" Suho asks. We all shake our heads. "Okay then I'll go and see."
{Y/N's POV}
One of them that I don't know their name walks to us calmly. I look at Eunjin and give her the 'let's make them confused' look. We make our thoughts public,
E watch out he could be another one.
I will, but what about the one coming towards us?
Just keep your distance. It seemed like it worked. They all stood up and transformed. We were right but now we were surrounded. I growled at them, Eunjin hid behind me.
"Don't worry, we're not going to harm you." one says from it's tone I can tell it's Kai. I back up but feel another rub against my side. I look to see a lighter grey wolf, by my side.
"We can be friends right?" I know that voice Lay. I look to Eunjin where she had been surrounded by two other wolves, and when I go and try to save her, one wolf steps in front.
"Mind telling us who you are?" this is the same guy that was walking to us. I hear a whine and look to Eunjin and she's trapped. I growl and bare my teeth. I bark, Eunjin takes it and howls, while they have their attention on her I attack Lay who's beside me and pin him down.
"Back away from her or I kill him!" I yell, barring my teeth at them and tightening my grip on Lay. They all watch me, and the two that were surrounding her back away. I nod to her and she runs off, they try to follow but I tighten my grip even more on Lay, making him whine. Catching their attention.
"Okay okay, now that we let her go...release him." another says sternly. I let him up and back away, but this time I'm trapped.
"Now where were we...." the leader says and is interrupted again because Eunjin comes back with the others.
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"If you would, we need her back." Woolim says. My tail starts to wag until...
"We can't allow that to happen." one says. My tail stops wagging and I look at that one and am ready to launch at him.
"Take her just don't let me catch you in our territory again." the leader says and Woolim nods and I walk over to the others and she hits me.
We all head to the forest but I turn around, "Well we won't come again but just to warn you now we know your secret EXO." I say and run off. But when we got back and transformed back, I was in semi trouble. But now EXO had something to worry about. Whether that was good or bad action to do, there was no going back.