You're unlike any girl, well to them you are. Different from the start, with secrets to hide and people to protect.
You're strong.
Doesn't like bullies.
But you have a past and story to it.
What could possibly happen when s...
A/N so not an update. It's the wolves profiles. Since it'll be better for you to imagine it.
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Unlike an Alpha, where's an Alpha is a leader, the King differs because his powers and control are different. Each King is not chosen, they are born in to it, through their character and powers.
Powers: The King's has all the regular, being able to transform between human and wolf, super speed, tracking on point. Not all of the King's powers are known because it differs from each King, but all have one thing in common, control over the other Wolves.
Family: The current King's family is being kept a secret for their well beings.
Weakness: The one weakness is the King's anger when out of control.
The Guard Wolves:
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The guard wolves are normally, excelled in skills and powers, close to the King's only they don't have the same control as the King. Although they are very powerful alone. Guard Wolves are picked by past Guard wolves, Past Guard wolves train the new one's and later help the King as advisers.
Powers: The usual and they can switch forms but all their skills are usually high.
Family: Most times these wolves come from all over and their families are unknown.
Weakness: Is their King, since they'll do anything for him.
The Vampire Queen:
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The current queen is actually a great queen she and the wolf King have close relations. They both have worked through the problem humans created a long time ago. The Vampire Queen is usually born into it, but this queen fought the last queen for this. She had been a candidate and she challenged the last Queen.
Powers: Flight, Telepathy, Strength, Speed, shape-shifting. This queen had a different power but it is unknown.
Family: This queen currently has a few daughters but identities are unknown.
Weakness: Her Daughters and her Past.
They are mix between Wolf and Vampire they were originally created through human scientist in the olden days. They were also programmed, by the same scientist to take out the Vampire and Wolf kind. Although the current King and Queen stopped them but at the lost of many wolves and Vampires.
Powers: Same as any wolf or Vampire, they are stronger, by a lot, Their eyes can change any color each color has a meaning though. Red is the most common though. As it's their Vampire part showing.
Their are two types of hybrids, The pure and cyby's.