Part 8 {EDITED}

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A/N hi. 

{Y/N's POV} 

I felt the sun on my face, I opened my eyes slowly. I try to get up but feel something heavy. Looking to my sides I almost scream in shock. On my left there's a sleeping Lay and on my right there's a sleeping Sehun. I pry their hands off me and go to get off my bed but there is Tao laying on the floor. 

Okay wait wait what happened last night....I try to think but just have a terrible head ache. Getting up and off the bed careful not to wake the sleeping boys, I walk downstairs to the kitchen. When I get into the Kitchen I see D.O and Yujin cooking. "Morning, Y/N..." she says handing me some water. I take it from her and gulp it down before speaking. 

"Hey so what happened last night?" 

"Oh you drank too much and can't remember?" D.O asks. 

"Also what were those idiots doing in my room and why were there three of them?" I ask making some more water. 

"Well I think last night Lay begged to put you on your bed and then Sehun was helping him and I think Tao didn't trust them so he went to watch." Yujin says, I stood there shocked at the answer.  "Y/N can you go and wake up the others?" 

"Yeah sure..." I say but first she pulls my hand. She puts her hands on my head and I feel a warm light I close my eyes. I feel my memories drifting back into my brain. "Thanks~" I say and transform into my wolf form and run upstairs. 

"What was that?" D.O asks. 

"I just healed her." Yujin says, continuing to cook breakfast. 


I get to the first room, Eunjin. I open it and see Eunjin sleeping peacefully. There were no boys and I mentally sighed. Our baby sister is in no danger of boys.  I jumped on her bed and licked her face. She giggled, "Okay I'm up unnie~" she says and gets up. 

I head to the next room; Yunji's. I peek inside and see Yunji on her bed. I look around the room and spot Chanyeol and Baekhyun sleeping on the ground. I jump on her bed and nuzzle her. She moves around and then gets up. "Morning~" she says. She sees the two boys on the ground and gives me the nod. I jump down but land on top of them and they groan in pain. "Haha~"

I go to the next room and it's Woolim's room. I go inside and see Chen on the floor hugging Luhan. Suho sleeping on her chair, and Kris sleeping against the wall. I jump on her bed and start to move it and then I lick her and nuzzle her. She moves around and then slowly opens her eyes. She sits up and waves too me. She looks around and sees the 4 boys on the ground. 

She gives me the look and grabs her clothes and goes to the bathroom. After she leaves, I jump off the bed and go to Kris, I lick his face until he opens his eyes, "Oh morning~" he says sleepily. I give him the can you get him up look. He nods and wakes Suho up. 

I go to Chen and Luhan and I lick both of their faces and they both smile then open their eyes and then move away fast. I leave them and go to my room, they are all still sleeping. I go up to Tao and nuzzle him in the side and he moves around. I get frustrated and Lay on him and he groans. He tries to move me but he can't he finally sits up opens his eyes and looks irritated. 

But when he meets my eyes I'm giving him the puppy dog eyes. His eyes soften and he smiles. He pets my head and then stands up. I jump on the bed and shake it.  They just roll around and I huff. I thought of something cruel but it's gonna be funny. I scoot them closer to each other and then I give them one lick in the ear and they jolt awake and hold each other. 

I roll around on the bed, it was so funny. They look at me and I fall of the bed but land on my feet. "Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they yell and I run out of there and dash to the living room. I jump on the couch and here it groan. I look down and realized I jumped on Kai. Ooops. 

I here them coming down the stairs and I immediately lie down to hide. "So...............what you do?" I hear Kai say. I just look away, hearing a rumble of footsteps. "Transform back." I look at him and there's no smirk. I transform back and he puts me next to him and then throws the blanket over my head. "Don't move. Okay?" I nod my head, as he sighs. 

I hear the footsteps stop and hear heavy voices. "Kai! Have you seen Y/N?" Sehun asks loudly. 

"No....I got up to your yelling." he says. "So why are you yelling?" 

"She licked us in our ears and we were this close to kissing each other." Lay explains. 

"Well I thought she woke up everyone?" Kai says shifting. 

"She did?" they both ask and the others come out and they all nod. 

"Yeah don't worry when we woke up we were hugging each other." Chen says and Luhan nods. I transform back into a wolf and stand up and the blanket falls off. They all look shocked and before they can say anything I jump over the top of the couch and run up to my room. As soon as I'm in my room I close and lock the door. 

I heard them all run after me and they were yelling at me to come out but I didn't want to. I just ignored them and got into better clothes, brushed my hair, brushed and floss my teeth. 


I was about to walk out of my room, when I felt a sharp pain in my side

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I was about to walk out of my room, when I felt a sharp pain in my side. I knew what was happening and forced myself outside. Me and the girls forced EXO out, to keep them safe. 

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