You're unlike any girl, well to them you are. Different from the start, with secrets to hide and people to protect.
You're strong.
Doesn't like bullies.
But you have a past and story to it.
What could possibly happen when s...
A/N Was the last one really intense? Sorry if I haven't updated yet, it's summer and I have a very busy schedule already :(
{Y/N's POV}
Here we were getting ready for a meeting where we would be revealed to the Wolf and Vampire kingdoms. Our close friend and world fashion designer Secret B, was currently creating our new fashion line for hybrid princess. She insisted that if we were going to reveal our secret we had to do it in absolute new style. But she wasn't wrong, it's just it was a party and all wolves and vampires were invited and 'those three' were sent to invite EXO too.
"Girl if you keep moving, i'm going to step on your tail." SB says.
"Sorry~" I say and she finishes measuring my waist.
"Are you still thinking about that boy?!" she asks and I just look at her. "Girl you need to get over him, he couldn't accept you, move on!"
"Yeah i'll try." I said that but it's not like I can, I've met him before.
I escaped from that terrible place. I needed to be free, I don't care if i'll get in trouble I just need to be free. I transformed into my wolf form as well as I could and went to venture off. I saw a rabbit and was quite hungry. I crept through and then pounced but when I looked it was gone.
I heard giggling and looked and saw another pup. He was small like me he looked really friendly, "What's so funny?" I ask.
"Why do you hunt like that?" he asks.
"Well I don't know, it's not like I've hunted before." I say.
He stands up and comes in front of me, "Oh are your parents strict too.." he asks and I nod. "I know how you feel I'm actually not supposed to be here, I'm Lay."
"Nice to meet you Lay, I'm-" I hear someone calling. I turn around it was Eric.
"Hello~" he says to Lay, "You need to get home." he says to me. I nod and walk away.
"Oh see you later Lay, maybe~" I say and he just watches.
"Bye~" he says.
I was able to sneak out and meet him a few other times but every time I was close to telling him my name I would get caught, but after a while he stopped coming. So I stopped sneaking out, but then we moved altogether. "Okay finished with your dresses!" SB says.
She hands us our dresses and we take them and go and change. She said that it had a battle mode that's why it took so long. And it fits our specific powers.
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