Part 24

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A/N I believe this one is coming to and end. That's sad too~

{Y/N's POV} 

"So what's wrong miss Y/N?" he asks. 

*sigh* "I don't know, I have no clue how to stop him." I say and put my head in my hands. 

"Why do you have to stop him?" he asks. 

"Because..." I'm stumped, "Why do I have to stop him?" What threat does he pose? Dad and Mom left this too us. But why aren't they worried. "Your not here to help come up with a way to stop him are you?" 

"Smart girl, I've taught you a lot in life and now in death. I'm going to help you control and awaken your true powers." he says. "But it will take time." 

"I can handle it." I say and then we pour into it. 

{Lay's POV} 

I open my eyes and see metal bars. I look around and then sit up and it's pitch dark. I feel around and feel other people. All I remember is getting drugged and now I'm here. I hear talking, one voice is Eric for sure and the other is unknown. All of a sudden the lights turn on and I see something horrible. 

The wolves that went missing are being dried up and the vampires are being hung. I'm shocked by it and start to squirm around. I don't want that to happen to us. I then here the unknown voice speak, "Don't worry you won't end up like them, I need you guys alive." the voice says. And I'm trembling. 

I hear the others groan, which signals that they are waking up. "I wonder how you even fell for my sister?" he says. "She's a hybrid you know, filthy and disgusting as I recall you saying." 


"You what, it's fine really, but you know I'm worse than her." he confesses and starts laughing. 

{Yunji's POV} 

We were all devising a plan when, Y/N started to float in mid-air. "Umm...what's happening?" Baekhyun asks. 

"We actually don't know.." Woolim says. She starts to glow, and energy is emitted from her. It feels clean. She's mumbling something. And then she is lowered and the energy is gone. We all wait and see and are blown away by a massive amount of energy. 

"W-what's happening?" Tao asks. Our Mom and Dad come rushing in and look worried. 

"Who taught her this?" Mom says. 

"None of us." Yujin says. The energy stops and we all sit up. She wakes up and her eyes are this color. 

"Y/N?" Dad says cautiously

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"Y/N?" Dad says cautiously. 

"I have been aligned. I've seen it. The other side. I know the feeling. I've see both sides. I know the truth. I have lived it. I fought for what I believe. I know the history. I know how to save those who were lost. I cannot be tamed. I am a free force. I am free. I can help others. I can erase it. I can help them forget. I can help those who are loss. I know how to help them be free." she says like a robot. 

"Y/N?" Mom says. The light disappears and she is back to laying on the ground. 

{Y/N's POV} 

I wake up and see everyone looking at me. "How long was I out?" I ask standing up slowly. 

"Not long actually." Kris explains. 

"How long though?" I ask. 

"About 1 hour." Luhan says. 

"1 hour, it felt like years." I say and they look confused. 

"Honey, who showed you it?" Mom asks. 

"Eric's Dad's spirit." I say, "I was gone for only and hour, in their it felt like years, we did so much, I learned a lot." 

"Okay honey slow down." Dad says. 

"I can save him." I say and they all look confused. "I saw his soul, I know where to find it. I know how to save him. I can end this." 

"How?" Chanyeol asks, "How can you end this so fast?" 

"We need to break into his fortress and then once I'm close you guys can get Eric and the boys and I can find it his soul. But you need to keep him distracted." I say. 

"Are you sure?" Baekhyun asks. 

"Yes." I say confidently. 

{Eric's POV} 

Jaejoong comes back in and a light ends up near him. "Oh your back already?" he says and once it clears up I see my dad's spirit. 

"Yes, it's done." he says. 

"Are you sure?" Jaejoong asks. 

"Yes she thinks she can save you." he says. "Now let him go!" 

"No." he says and smirks. 

"What?" he grabs his collar. 

"I was never gonna hurt him or let him go, you just fell in my trap." Jaejoong says. 

"What do you mean, you summoned me and I did my job!" he yells. 

"I used you like I am them. Now that she's coming thinking that she can save me. My plan is going exactly like planned." Jaejoong explains. 

"She can still win!" my dad says confidently. 

"Only is she has someone that can support her. Which I took all of them." Jaejoong says. "Now that I don't need you, bye~" My dad's spirit disappears and he looks to me. "My plan to her falling is almost in place." 

{Lay's POV} 

After hearing that I get Kai up. "Kai~" I say and he groans. I kick him and he gets up. 

"What." he says irritated. 

"Do you think you can teleport my mind to Y/N's?" I ask. 

"Yeah I can with help." he says. 

I can help you. A voice says. 

Who are you? I ask. 

Eric's Dad. I know I messed up but I wanted the best for my son, but she needs your help. 

Okay. We focus our powers and I'm in a room with doors. She'll be here soon. 

{Y/N's POV} 

I close my eyes and open them and I'm in the white room again. I look around and see a figure. I squint and it appears to be Lay. "Y/N." he says and comes closer. "You were put into a trap." 

"What?" I ask. 

"I don't have much time. You were tricked, trust in me." he says and hands me a paper and kisses my cheek. "Trust in me~" 

He's gone. I blink and I'm back with the others. I feel something in my hand and I look. It's the paper. I open it and there's a note. 

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