You're unlike any girl, well to them you are. Different from the start, with secrets to hide and people to protect.
You're strong.
Doesn't like bullies.
But you have a past and story to it.
What could possibly happen when s...
A/N guys I'm so confused. First Kris, Luhan and Tao were bad but now EXO is. I don't know what's happening.
{Y/N's POV}
It was time. The moon was up and I transformed into my human form. I sigh thinking about the outcome of tonight. I get dressed making sure to not forget anything. After I head downstairs to meet the others.
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Woolim and Yujin:
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Eunjin: the green one.
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The guys look at us in shock. "Why are you getting dressed up?"
"We're not dressing up, this will keep us from being taken controlled of." Woolim explains.
"What do you mean?" Luhan asks.
"Oh right, we forgot to fill them in..." Yujin says. "Anyways Y/N you do it while Eunjin helps me pack the stuff."
"Oh okay..." I say and grab a small dagger and they just watch me. "When EXO was here earlier, they were off weren't they?"
"Yeah but?" Kris asks.
"I know that when someones in control of others they usually come off as the same people but as they get more in to the casters control their eye color change, I saw that in EXO." I explain.
"How did you notice that?" Tao asks.
"When Lay spoke I looked up at them and their eyes were changing." I explain while we finish getting ready.
We get a little ahead of ourselves and decided to race. I focus on it and reach the school before I even know it. Throwing my hands in the air I yell, "I win!". Hearing nothing I look around and see EXO they are giving off intense stares. "Whoa well okay, I know y'all ain't yourselves but damn ain't this too much?"
"Too much? Not yet, but you seem to be short 4." Suho says. I look around and realize I've lost the others. Shit, did I really go that fast? I was thinking when I didn't even notice that Suho, Lay and Kai were already in front of me.
"Well since they're not here yet let's play." Kai says. He tries to come by me but I push him back. Lay ties to do the same as well as the others. I push each back before I pin Suho on the ground. My ears pop up and I growl at them.
"I may be alone but I'm no ordinary wolf." I say and it looks like they are about to attack me when I sense my groups presence. I stand up and dust my knees off. Kris is by my side out of breath, and I punch his arm. "Umm.....where were you guys?"
"We were being tracked." he says and the others are near.
"They do anything?" Tao asks. I shake my head no, looking back at them.
"They can't she probably pinned one of them." Yujin says, looking at me.
"Who'd you pin?" Eunjin asks. I hide behind Tao. Knowing that it was a poor choice to pin their leader down and that I could get in trouble for it. "Don't tell me you...." I nod and she face palms.
"Really Y/N out of all of them you decide to pin the leader..." Woolim says, she sighs and looks a bit annoyed that I did so.
"What was I suppose to do let them play with me?" I ask and they all look shocked. We were all joking around and completely ignored EXO.
A cough was heard throughout our conversation, when we looked to where it came from, EXO looked irritated. "Whoops....we totally forgot about their presence."
"So your all here....." a voice says.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................