You're unlike any girl, well to them you are. Different from the start, with secrets to hide and people to protect.
You're strong.
Doesn't like bullies.
But you have a past and story to it.
What could possibly happen when s...
"Uh well umm....I mean i'm not trying too, but if you w-want to think of it like that. Or umm.." Lay says stuttering.
"I would love to think of it like that if you want me too." I say and he turns very red. We get to our dorm and we're at the door and the other come and grab their stuff. I pull Lay into a hug and whisper. "A date it is." I kiss him on the cheek and then go inside.
I squeal in my bed. I get up and get ready.
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I walk down stairs and Yujin and Eunjin are sitting down eating. "Morning~" I say sitting next to Eunjin.
"Ooh what are you dressing up for?" Yujin says.
"What do you mean I always dress like this?" I ask.
"Hmmm...." she says and looks at Eunjin skeptically.
I just eat and ignore them. The rest of the girls come down and they eye me too. "Morning Woolim and Yunji~" I say.
"So what's happening?" Yunji asks.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"You just said good morning to us and said our names, what's up?" Woolim explains.
"Can I not do that?" I ask, am I that excited that I'm acting weird?
"No because you don't usually do that." she says and eyes me.
"What time are we going to be leaving for the stuff?" I ask.
"We'll be going at 8:00, why?" Woolim says.
"Because I have a date today after school, just want to know when I have to be home." I say and they all have their mouths open. "What?"
"Oh my gosh." Woolim says.
"Our Baby is growing up~" Yujin says pretending to cry.
"Guys it's the end of the world." Eunjin says.
"I can't believe it. We're losing our sister." Yunji says.
"Guys stop it." I say and we all laugh and then head to school.
{While walking}
"So what about you and Sehun?" I ask Eunjin and the others look at her.
"He's nice but I think I like someone else." She says and we wait for her, "I'm not telling."
"What we raise-" Woolim gets cut off.
"What do you mean? What about you, Suho, Chen and Kris?" Eunjin says. Woolim goes bright red.