You're unlike any girl, well to them you are. Different from the start, with secrets to hide and people to protect.
You're strong.
Doesn't like bullies.
But you have a past and story to it.
What could possibly happen when s...
"Haha...nice to know our plan is working very nicely." one says and we're confused.
"What?" Woolim asks.
They come towards us and Yunji kicks one directly into the ground. "Gosh why do you have to say something and then not explain?" Another comes from her side and she just punches him. We all start fighting until they retreat.
"We did it!!" Eunjin yells.
I listen and hear a carriage. I run and see them loading EXO into it. "Guys over here!!" I yell and they run. The carriage is already on it's way. "They won't get away!"
I whistle and our horses come. We get on and then race after that carriage.
Woolim's horse:
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Yunjin's horse:
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Yunji's horse:
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Eunjin's horse:
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Yours: (it's the same as before.)
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We were catching up to them when their were suddenly two. Half of us took care of one while the other half. We caught up to it and both me and Yunji jump on the top. She signals me and I nod. She jumps down in the front and kicks the guys off. And takes control, I slip inside and see two guys tied up and three Infinity Rose's. I knock one out with my foot and then the other two come at me. I kick the door open and duck. They hold on to the sides.
"Sorry not sorry~" I say and kick them out. And they roll out. "Yunji their are only two of them, let's go to the castle."
"Okay, you watch them, I'll voice to the others, to meet at the castle." she says and I nod.
"Hala and Nightmare, watch our sides okay?" I say to the two horses and they guard our sides. We get back to the castle and see Woolim, Yujin and Eunjin outside. "Guys why the long faces?"
"When we captured the other carriage their was no one else." Woolim explains. My heart drops we lost them.
"What about you guys?" Yujin asks.
I go back and open it up and untie them and unveil them. It's Baekhyun and Chanyeol! "We only have two of them and it's the ones that hate us the most." I say. "What about anyone else?"
"Actually Eric is missing.." a guard says. "He hasn't checked in since the attack."
"Ugh...let's just get them inside," Yunji says. The guards take them and we go to our rooms. I sit at my desk and stare out the window. This was my fault.
Was it really?
Who are you?
You said you knew who I was.
I'll take everything you love away from you so you know what it felt like. And then I'll crush your spirit, till you have nothing left. Everything and Everyone.
I hear someone knock at my door, "Miss Y/N, the two boys are awake." a guard says.
"Okay tell the others I'll be there soon." I say and hear him leave. "I won't let you do anything."
I get to the conference room and see Baekhyun and Chanyeol in ropes, but I also see Kris, Luhan and Tao there along with my sisters. "Why are they tied up?" I ask.
"They tried to kill us..." Kris says.
"It's not them, somethings wrong." Luhan says.
"What do you mean?" I ask and go near. I smell a faint smell of Morning Glory. It's pretty harmless but used in the right way can cause any wolf or vampire to be under the control. The other outcome can be that if they are strong enough they are put in a trance. But their is another smell, I can't identify it though.
They both look up at me. Their eye colors are green? "Oh Y/N, it's Y/N..." they both say.
"Girls get them out..." I say pointing to Kris, Luhan and Tao.
"What why?" Tao asks.
"Shh...somethings cannot be revealed..." Yunji says as they take them out. Yujin comes back in.
"You know that is you do this, you may not wake up for a long time. Right?" she says.
"I know, a couple days at the max." I say. I go near them. I grab a knife and slit my arm. It starts to bleed. I use my power and take two drops of purple blood. A white light wraps around them and a crystal is formed around. I use my strength to encase it and finalize it. Yujin opens their mouths and I put it in. Once it is though, all I see is black and I feel my body become light.
{Yujin's POV}
She puts it in their mouth and then drops to the floor. I watch the two boys and they open their eyes. "Yujin...wait what happened?!" Baekhyun asks.
"Where are the others?!" Chanyeol says.
"Okay you guys can come in." I say and the others come through. Tao runs too Y/N. "Don't worry she's just a little bit light headed. She just needs to rest."
"Umm can you explain why we're tied up?" Chanyeol asks. We untie them and explain the current situation.
"So who is taking everyone?" Kris asks. Me and the girls look at each other. Should we tell them?