You're unlike any girl, well to them you are. Different from the start, with secrets to hide and people to protect.
You're strong.
Doesn't like bullies.
But you have a past and story to it.
What could possibly happen when s...
We get on our coats and then go outside. Closing our eyes we soak up the moon's energy.
"I love Full Moons." Yunji says, "Too bad tonight we have to waste it listening to the kings message."
"Do you think it's-" Eunjin is cut off.
"EXO is near do not speak of that here." Yujin says, we all transform and head to the old ruins. We go through the woods and I just listen to all the sounds but I hear a branch break. I stop in my tracks. I perk my ears up and the rest of them stop just listening. I hear rustling in the trees and three figures fall in front of us.
"Told you they would hear us!" Luhan says groaning from the impact.
"Well if you maybe would stop doubting me they might've not heard us." Kris says back to him.
"Well we should've asked them instead of follow!" Luhan says angrily.
"Well if you just listened to me-" Kris says.
"Listen that's all you make me do?!" Luhan shouts. "I listen to you all the time and look what it gets me into!"
"Are you saying that It's my fault?!" Kris almost yells and this time we don't let it get any further. Yunjin and Yunji tackle them holding them down.
LOWER your voices or would you like us all to be caught? Woolim says sarcastically.
Now follow us but don't get caught or else both of us will be in trouble. Yujin says.
Yunji and Yujin get off them and we start back on our traveling and we soon arrive at the ruins.
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We walk around carefully and all different kinds of wolves are here, grey, red, Mexican, black, white, arctics, mystics too. There were guard wolves all over, we walked cautiously. Wolves were territorial and we wouldn't want to get into any trouble.
As we were walking we saw EXO laying in the corner where the lead groups are supposed to be. So they are a lead group. We have to be extra careful. We finally find a place to sit and wait for the King. As we were waiting we got looks from several other wolves.
Not like you don't belong, like I want them to be mine. We just turn away from them, some actually tried to show off in front of us but we just look uninterested. I watched the guard wolves very well, and watched their body languages. I eyed one though, Eric.
What are you doing here? He says as I approach him.
Nothing we just came to listen.
You know your father doesn't like to see you girls here. He says cautiously.
Yeah but we have to be here, for our mission.
Oh right, that one, so you guys are going to try.
Yeah we are. We have to, to unite the kingdoms.
Uniting them would limit our chances of being hunted down.
Of course, plus you might actually get a girlfriend if we do succeed.
Hey! Your lucky, that i'm loyal, or else you would've been thrown out already.
Yeah right, you wouldn't be able to even if you try.
Well you should go back, it's going to start soon.
K bye~ I say rubbing against him and then going back.
Note: Rubbing against another wolf is like a hug. It's not supposed to be dirty.
As I'm going back, I notice that everyone had stopped walking around and eyes were on me. I just got back to the group and then asked Why were they staring?
Maybe because you just hugged a higher up guard wolf. Yunji says.
Oh sorry, I forgot he was one.
Yeah well did he say anything important. Woolim asks.
No only that he's proud we're going to try.
We all stop talking as the guard wolves, fall in line and start to howl. Two of the kings high head wolves walk through first, then the king follows. As he walks all wolves are forced to bow and we do until he sits.
"Wolves, you are released." he says in a commanding voice. "Welcome to this meeting, Thank You for taking your time to come here too meet."
*everyone cheers*
"Now tonight I have called you all to discuss the treaty that I, myself have agreed to along with the Vampire Queen." After he says that all the others start to growl, whine, bark. "Quiet!"
"As I was saying this treaty will help us bring wolves and vampires closer as we fix the mess humans made a long time ago. With this I will be sending hybrids to each of your groups, to help us clean up their mess."
"Sir with all so respect..." Suho says, "Hybrids are the real reason we are in a quarrel with the vampires. They're the reason many of our wolves lost their lives, why many of us can't trust and you want us to make amends with the monsters that started this?"
"I do see where you are coming from but past is past and the hybrids have grown to a new age, although I understand why your against them so much, but don't you remember not all of them were in the war." The King says.
Suho sits but he looks irritated. After a few more announcements, the King finishes but Eric gives me the signal and the girls see too. We quickly get out of sight and then we head to the secret room. We arrive and see the King sitting down, we walk in.......