You're unlike any girl, well to them you are. Different from the start, with secrets to hide and people to protect.
You're strong.
Doesn't like bullies.
But you have a past and story to it.
What could possibly happen when s...
I saw Y/N, and then I didn't I saw myself. And then I heard myself speaking but had no idea I was doing so. Then I was filled with anger all of sudden however I don't remember why... All I remember is that we had come to Y/N's dorm to check on her, ever since she left the class in a hurry.
But now I was angry at her, I don't even know why. I tried to fight the urge to control myself but I just couldn't. We walked out of there telling them to meet us tonight. I wasn't controlling my body nor were the others I could tell. Nothing I tried worked, I knew that someone had put us under control, but who?
We waited and everyone seemed mad and different. I was watching through my own body of our reactions and I couldn't stop any of it. And then the things we were doing to tempt her when she arrived alone. It's not like me at al, it's not like any of us!
And then the others came. And that's when it happened the voice we had been hearing a few weeks before this, we all heard it again. "So your all hear...."
{Y/N's POV}
"So your all here..." a voice says and we all tense up. This person is most likely the controller. Woolim steps forward and we all get ready. EXO parts and a hooded figure walks through, the figure takes off his hood and we all gasp, even Kris, Luhan and Tao.
"Wait why did you guys gasp?" I ask confused.
"I don't know it seemed like the right thing to do?" Luhan says.
"That sounds really dumb." Eunjin says stifling a laugh.
"No it would be weird if we didn't play along." Kris says.
"No it wouldn't, like why gasp when you don't know the identity of the person." Yujin says. We argue for a while on that until.
"HEY! Here I am taking 2 weeks to plan this and you guys are ruining it over something stupid! Like there goes all my hard work!" the person yells and we all laugh. "What?"
"Your still the same taking the longest time to plan out something that obviously won't go your way." Woolim says.
"What, what do you know, up until a minute ago you guys didn't even know who planned this." he exclaims annoyed.
"Actually it was 3 minutes ago." Yunji answers back smartly.
"I didn't ask." he says grumpily.
"I know but I was correcting you." she replies.
"So your done right?" I ask, he looks surprised. "Tao wanna come with me to get ice cream?"
"Yeah sure..." he says and we start walking away.
"Hey! What about your friends?!" he yells and I turn around. I walk to him and whisper.
"If you think we couldn't reverse your spell your wrong." I say and then I walk to the girls. We use our powers and release EXO from the controller. Once out of it they are all confused but once they see us, their eyes contract.
"Hey guys~" I say and all of a sudden the 5 of us are against the wall. Woolim was being held down by Chen and Suho. Yujin was being held down by D.O and Xiumin. Yunji was being held by Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Eunjin was being held by, Kai. Sehun and Lay were holding me down. I saw their eyes and those were eyes of a protective wolf.
"I thought we said that this was our territory." Suho growls at us. We sigh realizing they Ould be like this.
"You did, but we have to go to school too~" Woolim replies back.
"Right but why tempt us to use Vampires to find you?" Chen asks.
"Why not, makes the chase fun?" I ask. "Now let us go before your the ones on the ground."
"Ha...that's funny because you actually..." Kai says but then in a second their on the ground.
"I swear they never listen..." Eunjin says. "And we always end up pining them down."
"Yah Eric are you trying to plan another way to get back at us?" Yujin says.
"No, yes, NO!" he yells exasperated.
"So what was the reason this time?" I ask still holding down the two boys.
"What do you mean, I hate you guys." he says and we all give him the look. "Fine your father made a bet with me."
"I'm guessing you lost." Yunji asks.
"Whatever, it's not fair...." he says. "Hey how long did you intend to keep then pinned down?"
"Oh well they started it, what a way to pin girls huh?" I say and I look down at the two boys that are under me. "So we let you go and we're back to being friends."
"Why should we agree?" Sehun pouts.
"Why not?" I say, "Plus it's not like I can run from you guys I literally have every class with you guys. So what do you say Suho?"
He looks like he's thinking for a while. "Fine...whatever." he says and I jump up, so do the girls. We celebrate by hugging each other. The boys get up and then I remember. I walk up to Kai, Lay and Suho and I slap them on the head. "What was that for?"
"You guys are scary you know that, acting all seductive." I state.
"And that gives you the right to hit us?!" Kai exclaims. I shrug my shoulders and he chases after me. Knowing them well I go and hide behind D.O. "Get over here!" I stick tongue.
"Y/ now." Woolim says and I walk over to her and she hits me on the head. "So now that they aren't a problem anymore should we get on to our mission here?"
"Sorry~" I say, it's great to have all fun and games but now we have to get to work. "But can we just have fun tonight?"
"Fine~" Woolim says.
"Guys let's go karaoke!" I shout and all the boys just nod.
"But shouldn't you guys change?" Kris asks and we nod. Changing our clothes in an instant.
(The order of who's wearing what goes from left to right and the names will be in order that way. You, Yunji, Woolim, Eunjin and Yujin.)
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"Wow..." they all say, they looked like a bunch of lovestruck boys.
"Let's go~" I say. We enjoy tonight as tomorrow we would be doing something that could possibly get us caught or killed.