Chapter 29

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Cally's pov

That morning I got up earlier then the past few weeks. Today I would officially start as a Med-jack. But that wasn't why I got up so early. I wanted to talk to Newt again, to thank him this time. I really had been harsh on him and even though I was still angry at him, I felt the need to thank him for saving me from myself. And... well... even though I was angry, I didn't want him to think I thought he was a horrible person. Because he's not. He had been my helpline since the day I got here. And not just mine, but for so many Greenies. 
     Bark and I walked down the stairs, scanning the room for that head of blond hair that stuck out above most Gladers. But even though most of the Runners were already there, eating their breakfast, Newt was not. Knowing that I had the best chance of spotting him by the door, Bark and I sat down outside the Homestead.
     The doors were still closed and a lot of Gladers still slept outside in sleeping bags on the ground. I stuffed my mouth with a sandwich when some of the Runners came walking out and towards the doors they needed to go trough to reach their section. Still no Newt.
     The loud thundering sound of the opening doors filled the Glade. Waking up all the Gladers that still had been sleeping.
     The first Runners left the Glade the moment the doors had opened. The urge to run into the Maze was getting bigger. It may seem weird that I wanted to be running around in a gigantic dark maze filled with Grievers, but something about it just called my name.
     I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice Newt jogging past me. He was already halfway to his door when I noticed him. I jumped up and ran to him, "Newt! Wait!"
     The boy didn't react at first, but he stopped jogging when I blocked his way. "Newt, hey. I-"
     "Not now, Cally. I need to go." he interrupted and walked past me, without even as much as looking at me.
     I grabbed his wrist, making him look back, not at me, but my hand around his wrist. "It won't take long, I promise. I just wanted to tell yo-"
     Newt pulled his arm away from me. "Ya can tell me bloody later." He didn't give me another chance to speak, he had already ran into the Maze. 
     A blew out a frustrated puff of air. "Thanks for saving me." I said, the annoyance clearly audible in my voice. I looked down at Bark, "did you see that Bark? He just-"
     "He just what?" Minho had came to me, startling me. I thought he was already inside the Maze.
     "He just kept interrupting me and ran off." I explained with my hands in my sides.
     Minho laughed, "like you did yesterday after the Gathering?"
     I poked him in his side. "Ow slim it, Pretty boy. I was angry, he didn't seem angry... it was more like... I don't know, like he needed to do something really badly."
     Minho shrugged, "he's been acting weird for some time now, you shouldn't break your head over it, he'll be fine."


Newt's pov

That morning it was worse. I had felt awful before, but today it felt worse then I had ever felt before. In the past years I have had a lot of times where I wanted it all to end. But I never let anyone notice, 'as long as I act like it is all okay, it will be okay,' I would say to myself over and over and over and over again. Until I started to believe it.
     But not this time. I was done. Everything felt so pointless. The Maze, the Glade, all the Gladers just doing their jobs, acting like it all will be better. Thinking that the Runners will find the way out, but I knew better. There was no way out, it was all just pointless. This life was pointless.
     The words Cally had yelled at me were still floating around in my mind and I couldn't get rid of them. It was like they had been burned into my brain with a red-hot blade.
     'End it. Do it. You know you want to. Just jump. Just end it. The pain, the misery it will be gone. Just jump right now. No one will miss you. Jump.'
     She was right, all of it. I hate it here. But today it will all be over. Today it will all be gone, it will be okay, I will be okay.
     I got out of bed after I heard the doors open but didn't bother to eat something. I jogged out, wanting to do it as soon as possible.
     "Newt! Wait!" I heard Cally's voice from behind me. Not today Cally... I thought, but unfortunately, even after everything that had happened she was still faster than me.
     "Newt, hey. I-"
     I didn't want to listen to her so I interrupted her. "Not now, Cally, I need to go." I started to walk past her, but before I could run away she had grabbed my wrist. My heart jumped at the touch, I sighed internally and turned my head, not having the nerve to look her in the eyes. I settled for the place her hand made contact with my skin.
     "It won't take long, I just wanted to tell yo-"
     I pulled my arm away from her, making her stop talking. "Ya can tell me bloody later." I said before running through the door into the Maze. I was so done with her. One moment, she acts like she's my friend, and the next, she hates me. Then she's angry and wants me to leave her alone, but then she wants to talk to me. Well, now I don't want to talk with her. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want anything, not anymore.
     I ran, I ran faster and faster and faster. I didn't slow down for the turns I had to take. I felt the wind blow past my face and the adrenaline pump through my body. I didn't stop running even though I felt like my heart was about to burst or when I could barely get enough oxygen into my system to keep going.
     My vision got blurry, and I collapsed against a wall in front of me. I barely recognized the pain, even not when the blood started dripping from the scratch on my arm. I was panting, sobs breaking through my breaths. Tears stung my eyes as I crumbled down to the ground. Giving myself the time to recover my strength. 
      Feeling my breathing had calmed down, I looked up at the in ivy covered wall. The sun reached the upper half of it and got reflected by a Beetle blade in my eyes. I rubbed the tears out of my eyes as I stared back at it.
     "Are you watching, Developers?" I growled as I got up from the ground. "Do you see what you're doing to us! Are you proud of your little experiment?" I pressed my anger down, clenching my jaw. "Well, watch this." 
     I grabbed onto the ivy and started climbing on the wall. I climbed higher and higher. I didn't want to reach the top, I just wanted to reach the light of the sun. When I reached it, I felt the warmth of its beams on my skin. I closed my eyes and breathed deep in and out. I heard Cally's words float through my head one last time. 'Just jump... Jump.' 



Soooo another things: I got tagged by ElleniarZaltacxer - love you girl! 💖

- 10 things about me
1. I'm a female dragon

2. I'm a hoarder, I mostly collect status (mythical creatures and animals), LPs, books and dvd's from movies/shows I like
~books. Don't forget the books~

3. I'm a huge Potterhead, Ringer and Whovian

4. I do almost everything while listening to music.

5. My favorite musical is Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of fleet street.
~not anymore🤣🤣~

6. I'm a graduated Applied Biologist, but don't do shit with it.

7. I love writing, drawing and taking walks in the park near my house.

8. I'm a mood reader and I low-key hate myself for it 😂

9. I'm in love with Andy Black's voice. (And tbh, he's not ugly either)

10. When I was between the ages of 7 and 9 I had to watch the movie Spirit every. Single. Day. For a few moths. It drove my family crazy. I still know every word to every song in it and love singing along when I hear one of them.

- Tag 28 people
I don't really have a lot of people to tag... but aaaanyway:
~Hebe, you are tagged now too~

- put the title of the tag
Do what now?

- tel a joke
Two ghosts are floating through the house when one of them hears a noice and stops, "did you hear that?" And the other answers: "ow com'n, don't tell me you believe in humans."

Awful, I know 😂 I'm not good at telling jokes.

-write a spoiler for one of your books
Insects aren't always who they say they are, sometimes insects can be flowers.

Anyway, that was it, byebye!

~Purple Dragon

Edited: 24/11/20

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