Log #1

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Jeno keeps telling me that my feelings are fake. Not sure what to think about that. I haven't spoken to him in a while. He's been mean. Since I can't feel I can't do much about it. I thought I could feel things. I "feel" like if I shut down Jeno would be happy. Mister and Mrs.Lee told me I could feel. I'm supposed to believe them over Jeno anyway.

On the other hand, school was fantastic! I met a foreign student named Chenle. Since I can speak every language it was easy to communicate with him. Jaemin is in most of my classes so I usually sat with him. Jaemin likes me a lot more than Jeno that's for sure.

It makes me sad that he doesn't like me. But since my feelings are "fake" I'm not actually sad I guess. According to Jeno I can't be sad. I wish I could talk back to him. Especially when he's mean. He threw one of his papers at me when I was trying helping him with homework. It hit me in the face. It hurt but I'm not sure why. I want to talk to him about it but I'd prefer not to get in trouble.

That's all


School was school. That's it really. Renjun and Jeno are very cute. That's good I guess. Even though Jeno can be a total ass sometimes. (Sorry for insulting your son but it's true.) My memory could be failing me (you should probably fix that) and I'm sorry but that's all I remember. There was nothing interesting that happened. Sorry.

Peace out


Nothing too interesting happened this week. Taeyong threw a housewarming party, since everyone's officially moved in, and a lot of the neighbors stopped by. He's yelling at me because he wants to tell you guys about it so I'll end this here.

The prince himself


Taeil and the neighbor to our left, Jungwoo stopped by at the house party. Cool dudes. Jungwoo was flirting with everyone so that was fun I guess. I read through a dictionary today. Did you know that bruxism is involuntary and habitual grinding of the teeth? If you didn't before you do now!

Intelligence equals power ;)


I THREW A HOUSE PARTY!!!! It was awesome! I had so much fun and everyone was so nice!! I put up a flyer on the "community bulletin board" thing or whatever and people actually showed up! I played music and stuff. I provided food. It was great! I wanna throw another in a week or so. I'm so excited!

-TY Track
(ty track)

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