~He cooks for you~

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*Beep beep beep!* The smoke alarm went off loudly. You woke up and ran downstairs to the smoke in the kitchen. "Jeffrey, what the hell!?!?" You went over to him and quickly got the problem under control. "Thanks baby. Here's breakfast for you." He handed you a plate of black bacon, toast, and browned eggs. You gave a fake smile and waited until he left before throwing it out.


You watched hungrily as Ben stood over the stove. "Food food food foooooood!" You playfully shouted as he backed away from the stove slowly. "Umm, (Y/N)? You might wanna join me in the front yard." Ben quickly gripped your wrist and pulled you out quickly. "What's wron-" you were cut off by a loud explosion coming from the house. You glared at Ben and called the fire department.


You woke up to Masky giving you a huge kiss on the lips. You smiled as he handed you a tray of perfect food. "Breakfast in bed for my sweet baby." You smiled and invited him to chow down with you.


"Hoody, Im soooo hungry. Will you please cook for me?" You asked sweetly. Hoody knodded and went to the kitchen. He finally returned covered in PB & J. Hoody gave you the plate with a perfect sandwich and you giggled watching him try and lick the peanut butter from his nose.


You came home from dropping your mom off at your grandmothers house. When you stepped through the door, you noticed all the dimmed light, rose petals, and candles. Liu came from the kitchen with a smirk on his face. "Dinner is served. -He ordered most of the food. -Sully you're a snitch."


Your stomach growled as Toby sat in the kitchen preparing dinner. When he finished, you rushed to the table. "I made it allllllll fooooor yoooooou!" He kissed the tip of your nose. "Awwww thanks! I'm so hungry I could eat anything, well except for potatoes. I hate potatoes" Toby blushed. "I made baked potatoes."

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