~He fails at gaming~

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"Whatcha doing babe?" Jeff asked while you lay on the bed playing outlast. "Flying a kite.What does it look like?" You said with saucy sarcasm. Jeff snorted and took the controller. "Watch and learn (Y/N)." he said while clicking various buttons. Something Pope's out at him and he dropped the controller, ran downstairs, and hid under the kitchen table.


You sighed and put the controller down on the coffee table. "Ben, can you help me past this level?" He floated over to you and took in a breath of sharp air. "I don't know how. This is the only game I've never played." You looked shocked at him before picking up the cartridge and reading 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.


Masky plopped down beside you on the living room carpet as you finished shooting the A10 strife on COD. He stared intently at the screen while you played. You smiled and passed him the controller so he could try. Just as Riley was going to pounce on an enemy, Masky shot him. Masky gasped loudly and dropped the controller before crying. "I-I-I killed him! I killed my own dog!" You silently chuckled at his unnecessary drama before pulling him into a hug.


"Please don't let me die, Please Don't Let Me Die, PLEASE DON'T LET ME DIE!!!" Hoodie shouted out, but it was too late. He drove Mario off of the rainbow bridge and you laughed harder than you ever have in your life. Hoodie pouted and went up to bed while you continued to laugh.


"Left. No left! No Liu! Ahhh, you died!!!" You shook Liu violently as he died for the 8th time on GTA 5. "Please stop shaking me (Y/N)-I've got something else you can shake that's better." Sully interrupted. You stopped shaking them and quickly went up to bed.


"Now Toby, you're on my profile so it's very important that you do not fail me, OK?" Toby nodded in understanding. The minute you passed on the controller to him, he got beat by Batman, breaking your perfect record and causing you to never want to play 'Injustice :Gods among us ever again.

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