~How you met (part 2)~

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Jeff the killer:

The weak wooden door wasn't enough to hold the killer as he burst it down, pushing you in the process. He jumped on you and pinned you to the floor, holding his knife to your throat. He pressed it deeper and deeper until it made a tiny cut. You knew he wouldn't stop until he slit it completely or chopped your head off. You held your grip as well as you could. If you took your hand off of him, he'd push the knife straight down. "Just die already! " He strained. Your arms started to get weak and you panicked. Doing the only clear thing you could think of, you brought your knee up to his junk. "Ahhh! Bitch!" He rolled off of you. After a second you both stood up. He lunged at you again but this time you dodged him, diving over your bed. You picked up whatever junk that was on the floor and threw it at him. "Ahh, stop! Stop damn it!" He shouted, slapping bears ,loose change, and even undies! "You know what, fuck this shit!" He yelled frustrated. He gave up but you sure didn't. You threw the heavy glass piggy bank that was hidden under your bed. It hit him in the side of the head just as he was leaving. The glass broke everywhere and he passed out. "Oops."

Ben drowned:

That night you dreamt of terrifying things. Majora's Mask, a game you hadn't played since childhood. Why in the world were you dreaming about it? You screamed and jolted up from your sleep. Before you could register what was happening, someone jumped onto your bed and was straddling you. There was a sharp tip sword at your throat in an instant. You looked up to see one of the most familiar, gaming legends ever. Ben drowned- the pasta monsters version. (Google it). He raised his sword, preparing to strike. "No please let me live!!!" You raised your hands. You were waiting for the final blow but instead got a chuckle. "Alright, since your such a computer wiz. I'll spare you if you beat me in a game. But be warned...I'm the best." He smiled evily and helped you out of bed.


You tried getting back up but the figure snatched you back to the ground. You struggled as well as you could, rolling around on the ground with the person. You pinched, bit, and kicked. Eventually you ended up on top of the person, gripping their neck. The person struggled and spoke up, a man's shy voice. "Please stop! Ahh!" You let go and put your foot to his chest, taking in his appearance. He wore an orangish jacket, and an all white mask. Feminine black lips were painted on and black was painted around the eye holes. "I was just trying to help you!" he shouted.


The noises got nearer and nearer. You shut your eyes tightly and started to cry even more. You felt someone pick you up and carry you away. Probably a rapist. You thought as the tears ran down. You were to weak, and cold to put up a good enough fight so you just accepted it. Sooner or later, you peeked up to see a fabric mask under a orangish/brow jacket. The mask had red stitched on dots for eyes and a stitched red frown. You started to panic a bit, loosing all your little energy and passing out.

Homicidal Liu:

"Yeah, I don't mind it. I was just leaving. " You told the stranger, wiping the tears from your eyes. " Oh, ok then. By the way, congratulations on your graduation (Y/N). I wish I could've made it but you know, accidents happen right?" You gasped and looked up to see a boy about your age, maybe a tiny bit older. He had a few scars on his face, and his eyes were a lovely green color. His long, chocolate hair stopped just past his shoulders and he wore a simple red sweater with blue jeans and dress shoes. His cross glinted off of the restraunt lights and you immediately recognized him. "L-liu?" Your eyes widened. "That's right."

Ticci Toby:

The tapping on your window scared the crap out of you but that was the least of your worries. You groaned and tried to go back to sleep but the tapping wouldn't stop. You growled and grabbed you pocket knife from the bedside table. You made your way to the widow and opened it. In a flash, someone tackled you to the floor. Without even thinking, you stabbed them near the neck. You noticed it was a boy as his body went limp onto you. "Fucking creeps in this town." You complained, rolling the body off of you.

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