~Baby, baby?~

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"Hey Jeff? Come over here please." You said as you closed your laptop. After reading some certain websites, your curiosity was peaked about one certain thing. "What. What's wrong?" Jeff said as he made his way to cuddle with you. "Jeff, do you think maybe...I don't know. Do you maybe think we could...have a baby one day?" You struggled to say awkwardly. Jeff pulled away and looked at you with a slight blush on his face. "B-babe, what makes you ask that?" he said, completely avoiding the question. You sighed in frustration. "Nevermind. Just forget it." You got up and prepared to leave but Jeff pulled you back. "I-I'm sorry if I'm being a dick (Y/N), but I don't know how to deal with that sort of stuff. Anyway, I do want a baby one day. Just not now." You nodded and cuddled with Jeff the rest of the day.


"Yeah, yep. Mmhm. Sure." Ben agreed with whatever you said as he clicked furiously on the game controller. You groaned at him because every time he got into a game, you were sure to be ignored. Suddenly, a devilish smile spread across your face. "Hey Ben, I got a puppy." you said. "OK, yep. Yes." he agreed. "Hey Ben, I have 5,000 dollars." you said. "OK, yep. Yes." he agreed once again. "Hey Ben, I'm pregnant. We're having a baby." Ben started coughing rapidly and dropped the controller. You burst into laughter as Ben gathered his breath. "That is not funny (Y/N)!"


Masky was up in one of the rooms all morning and you finally decided to go check on him. "Masky, are you O-What the?" You walked in on him covered in paint and messy brown hair atop his head. You giggled and dropped to your knees beside him. "What on earth have you done to this room?" You giggled and awaited his reply. "I was reading something earlier today and it said that a baby's  father needs to prepare a nursery  for them before they are brought to home." You laughed at him and kissed his painted cheek. "Masky, that's for when I am pregnant later in life, not super early and right now. But it's sweet of you."


"Michael, Martin, Menendez, Mark, Mitt, Michel, Marcus?" Hoodie said, giving you a barrage of names. It's hard to think that you triggered it by simply asking 'If we were parents, what would you name the kid?' Now, in the most pleasant way possibly said, Hoodie would not shut up. "Gah, and why are you only saying M names?!" You half shouted. "Because I heard somewhere that it's good luck. Now, on to the girls: Melissa, Maria, Macy, Maya, Marianne..." You sighed.


"Quick question (Y/N), now that we're together, what do you think of children?" Liu asked randomly, effectively causing you to stop eating dinner all together. "Uhm...what?" You questioned. Liu chuckled and kissed your forehead. "Never mind."


"Hey (Y/N), where do babies come from?" Toby questioned, making you quit reading and pay attention to him. "Oh um..." Although Toby was almost older than you, you still felt the need to keep his childish innocence alive. You had to think of a lie and quick. "You see, the stork decides on who needs to be parents and when. So he plants a tree that grows baby fruit. Some select chickens eat the baby fruit and lay special eggs. The eggs are put in stores and the mommy eats the egg when its breakfast. Then...boom, pregnant." You said feeling satisfied with the lie. "Oh. I always thought it was from having sex." Toby dropped. You face palmed and left the room.

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