~He tells you he's a killer~

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Jeff walked in on you using the bathroom and smirked. "I'm a killer (Y/N)." You rolled your eyes. "Get out Jeff!!! Tell me something I don't know! " You shouted frustrated. Jeff laughed as he walked away and shouted in the distance. "We're out of toilet paper!"


"I uh...I think you need to know the truth about me?" Ben said randomly while you were cleaning keyboards. "You're a pot head? A creep, a douche bag, a hidden blonde, a-" He put his hand over your mouth to stop you. "No, Im a... killer." He waited for your reaction but you simply shrugged. "I already knew that dummy."


"Tell me right now! You never tell me anything! " You shouted outside of your locked bathroom. Masky had locked himself in and was crying. You sighed and went downstairs to get a knife. You used the knife like you would a card to get into the bathroom. "Now stop that and tell me the secret. " You kneeled beside Masky to hold him. "I'm a killer. A murderer (Y/N). And now you'll never love me again!" You were surprised for a bit. Masky was a killer? Everything in you was telling you to run for it...everything except your heart. You sighed and held him closer, wiping away his tears. "I'll never stop loving you." Masky sniffled a little and flashed a small smile.


You noticed that Hoodie stutters only when he's shy or nervous. He had been stuttering indeed. "(Y/N), I h-h-have a-a very bad-d-d secret. Im a k-k-killer." You reached out to him but he shrank back, afraid of your touch. Hoodie is a killer? You decided to completely ignore that because let's face it...he stole your heart! You grabbed him tightly and hugged him close, bathing in his warmth. "Hoodie, I love you too much to care."


"No Sully. I will not tell her about us so keep your mouth shut!" You walked past the bedroom door and heard Liu talking to someone. Some other girl in my house?!?!  You thought as you angrily opened the door. You noticed there was no one in the room he was talking to. "(Y/N), I was just-How's it goin toots? Sully, hush!" You blushed and wondered what was going on. "Uhhhh, Liu? What uhh...what the hell?" He sighed and motioned for you to have a seat next to him. You gently sat on the bed and waited for his explanation. "(Y/N), there are two sides to me. One just happens to be a horrible murderer.-Watch it Liu. My name is Sully." You weren't fully aware of what was happening but you registered the pleading look in Liu, or Sully's, eyes. You sighed and hugged him tightly. "Alright, no more weirdness for tonight." You joked.


"Im a killer! " Toby shouted while waving his hatchets around, blood staining his clothes. The weird part of it is, you were bound by your heart to keep him so you said that you didn't care. Well, actually you said: "No duh. Now take a shower and come downstairs for some cuddles!" He quickly did as told, expecting you to hold him the entire night.

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