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The soothing air from the vents had put you fast asleep under your thick blanket. Suddenly, the door burst open. You didn't bother turning over because you knew it was Jeff. You heard him slip his shoes off and crawl into bed with you, not bothering to take a shower. You groaned and turned over. "What the?" You flipped the light on and saw that Jeff had gotten into bed in his blood soaked hoodie. "Don't move. Stay." He ordered sternly. You sighed and flipped the light back off, cuddling into your bloody little idiot.


"Roses are red, Violence is too. You've met with a terrible fate but I want to cuddle you!" Ben jumped into bed and wrapped himself into you basically. You giggled and fell fast asleep, listening to him hum the song of unhealing (Google it).


You were up late trying to finish the book you were reading. You shivered on the couch but you were too lazy to get a blanket. Just one more chapter. You thought to yourself, ignoring your dropping eyelids. You heard Masky come behind you and felt him kiss your cheek. "I'll trade you this blanket for a cuddle?" You giggled and decided to close the book. "How about both?" You said while pulling him down on the couch with you. You two cuddled, keeping the cold air away.


Hoodie snuck up behind you as you'd just finished making up the bed. "Where is that blanket? " You questioned out loud. "Right here!" Hoodie shouted as he tackled you to the bed with the blanket. You laughed with him and kissed his clothed cheek. Soon you drifted off to sleep with his arms wrapped tightly around you.


You sighed and laid down for some sleep. Liu came into your room with you and sat at the edge of the bed. "I was wondering if we could maybe-Get a little busy baby! Sully no! I was wondering if I could sleep in here with you tonight? " Liu asked. You laughed and made room for him. Soon he wrapped his arms around you and held you gently.


Toby grabbed your wrist and pulled you into bed with him, just as you were combing your hair. "Toby quit it!" You laughed as he tickled you. "On one condition (Y/N)." You knodded, waiting to hear what it was. "Cuddle with me?" You rolled your eyes and pulled Toby into you. He held you the rest of the night, whispering i love you's into your ear until you fell asleep.

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