~First Kiss~

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"Move only one. It can't be one from the exact top. That's cheating Jeff." You were in your room on the floor playing Jenga (Google it) with Jeff. He looked absolutely focused and slowly pulled a block from the near middle. The tower held steady and he smirked in your face. You knodded and went to make your move. You slowly started to pull a block out when Jeff leaned forward to kiss you deeply. You started to shiver. He pulled back with a smirk on his face as your shaky hand knocked down the tower. "I win. Was that cheating?" He chuckled before going to kiss you again.


You were listening to music on your phone when a song came on. That crappy one Direction song (No offense if you like them) called Let me kiss you. You sighed and listened to the whole song. At the very end, instead of the guys saying the last line, it was Ben's voice. "And let me kiss you." You blushed as Ben came out out of the phone. "So what do ya say?" You giggled at him. "If you promise to never put on that song again." Ben chuckled and pressed his warm lips to yours.


Masky wasn't anywhere in sight so you decided to give up your game of hide and seek. "Okay I give up!!!" Masky appeared from behind a tree and approached you. "You are a quiter (Y/N)." He joked. You smiled and leaned in closer to him, lifting his mask slightly. "Then we should play something else." Masky caught your drift and kissed you. When he pulled back, his cheeks were a deep red but his smile was huge.


Hoodie giggled as you tickled him on the backyard ground. "Ok, stop! Hahahaha please!" You gave in and let him recover. "Now will you tell me what you want? Or am I going to have to tickle you again?" You threatened." No! I'll... just do it." Hoodie sighed nervously and lifted his mask just under his eyes. You could see the blush set in over his freckled cheeks as he leaned in and kissed you with his plump, pink lips. Hoodie pulled away nervously. "All you had to do was ask, but Im glad you didn't." You smiled and pulled him in for another kiss.


Liu sat with you on your roof and watched the stars. "Still looking for a house?" You asked, keeping up the small talk. Liu completely ignored the question and countered with movement. He quickly straddled you and you blushed. "Please don't kilk me for this (Y/N)." He quickly kissed you. When he pulled back, you had the largest smile on your face. "May I do it agai-Pucker up baby! You know you want to.-Sully!" You laughed and pulled Liu down for another kiss.


Toby danced around your living room making you laugh at his silliness. After he got tired, he turned off the stereo and flopped down next to you on the couch. "Can I please get a reward for that awesome dance?" He smiled. You giggled and gave a double thumbs up. He chuckled and leaned in closer to you, kissing you deeply on the lips. He pulled away and waited for your reply. "Well that's also an option." You joked. He laughed and leaned in for more kissing.

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