~He annoys you for fun~

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Jeff would not stop and you were seriously about to kill that man. Right now he was constantly pushing and poking your face while you tried to watch TV. You growled and dropped the remote on the ground. Jeff chuckled as you stomped upstairs and slammed the door behind you.


"(Y/N)...Hey, hey babe? Hey, (Y/N)" Ben interrupted you while you played Majora's Mask. You tried your best to ignore him until you dropped the controller and your time ran out on the game. You gasped in anger as the moon fell on everyone in Clock Town, and Ben simply smirked.


"Do it again, and I'll destroy you." You said with a smile, and a hint of annoyance in your voice. Each time you spread icing on one part of the cake, Masky would wait until you weren't looking and stick his finger in. You soon had holes all over one side of the cake. You glared viciously at him before sighing and poking holes all over the cake yourself. Then you put cherries in place of the holes and hid it away from Masky.


"God I'm sleepy." you said while stretching your arms out. "Why are you (Y/N)?" Hoodie spoke as you crawled into bed. "Because my body is finished for today." You said, trying to go to sleep. "Why?" You groaned. "Because Hoodie, the body can't go on forever." Afterwards, you dozed off before being awokened yet again. "Why?" You growled under your breath and popped Hoodie in the head with a pillow. "Hoodie shut it!"




"And Iiiiiiiii-eee-Iiiiiii-eee-Iiiiiiii, will always love yooooooooou-oooooo. Will always love yooooooooooo!!!!!" Liu sang while you glared at him with a dark expression. Liu and Sully had been tag teaming to get on your nerves all day and you've had enough. You stood up and gripped his ear, earning an uncomfortable yelp from Liu. "Outside until you shut up." You demanded, pushing him on the porch and locking the door.


You couldn't sit anywhere is the house because Mr. Rogers had ruined all the chairs. What other people (and him) call a prank, you called it idiotic. Toby dismantled all the seating arrangements in the house, INCLUDING THE COUCH! Now you had to listen to him chuckle while you angrily worked on furniture.

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