~He tries to impress you~

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You watched as Jeff set up the last barrel. "This is an awful idea Jeff." You announced once more. "Babe, babe...chill, I got this." He smirked in confidence. "Alright, get ready for the awesomeness that is Jeffrey Woods!" He shouted before running full speed. He hopped on the first barrel and rolled to the second on. Before he could roll to the third one, he fell and the barrels rolled apart, causing him to face plant. You shook your head and walked back into the house. "Uh, babe? A little help. You there? (Y/N)?"


"Wanna see something cool?" Ben asked you while you were relaxing on the couch. "Sure why not?" You said un-enthusiastically He smirked and ripped his shirt off. He then attempted to flex. "Grrrr!" He growled. You laughed uncontrollably at him because of his thin body and short stature...he had 0% muscles! "Come here." You pulled him into a sweet hug.


"Wow." You said as you watched your muscled neighbor climb a tree to cut down its branches. Masky pouted and cleared his throat. "Yeah, well...watch this!'" He then ran to the tree and struggled to climb it, either sliding down or falling each time. You chuckled and walked to him. "Congratulations, I'm impressed." You joked before pulling him into a soft kiss.


"Look, look, hey (Y/N) look at me! Hey, hey look! Hey!" Hoodie kept trying to get your attention while you tried to ignore him. Finally you sighed and put down the book you were reading. You looked up to the top of the stairs and watched closely. "Watch me make this landing." Before you could protest, Hoodie jumped from the top of the stairs and hit the ground below. You quickly ran to him and treated a few of his minor wounds.


"How do you like this baby?" Liu asked as he flashed a sexy smile at you. "I'm sorry, what is the point of this now? Because you're really not impressing me if that's what you were trying." You said while reading. "Well baby, I got something else that might impress you if you know what I mean." You blushed and walked away.


You watched in amazement, horror, and worry as Toby twirled his hatchets. He suddenly let them go and caught them perfectly with each hand. "Oh thank God!" You clapped. Toby bowed but then gasped. "(Y/N), can you uh...Can you take me to the hospital?" He dropped the hatchets to show all the bloody cuts and scratches on his hands. "I think I messed up."

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