Date Ideas for Each Month (Preference)

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Author's Note: Hey everyone! I am still unsure if this is how preferences are supposed to be written, but I came up with the idea for a date based on each month of the year. You all can vote on which date you would prefer!

January: You and Joe go to an ice skating rink and try to out-do each other with the craziest and silliest routines!

February: You go to the fanciest restaurant in town for Valentine's Day. You both get dressed up real fancy and have a nice dinner.

March: You convince Joe to buy an ice cream machine so you both can make your own ice cream! Though, you both don't read the instructions on how to work it, so you both just end up making a mess in the kitchen! You and Joe have loads of laughs, so the mess was worth it.

April: You and Joe go to the local park and have a nice picnic. You bring your favorite finger foods and end up throwing grapes or some small food at each other.

May: You tell Joe to call Zoe and Alfie to go on a double date to dinner and a movie. You love hanging out with "Zalfie" because you all have a barrel of laughs and many memories made. You go to eat at Nandos and go see the newest Disney film. You and Zoe are singing after the movie is over and Joe and Alfie vlog the whole time.

June: You decide to take Joe to a baseball game, since he has never been to one before. He doesn't understand the game, and you spend the next 9 innings trying to explain it to him, while laughing at him because he is genuinely confused. You love him anyway.

July: Since July can be extremely hot (depending on where in the world you live), you and Joe decide to have a water balloon fight outside in the yard. You have a competition on who can throw the most water balloons at the other.

August: August is usually when school starts back, so you ask Joe to go shopping with you for "back-to-school" clothes and supplies. He is not as excited as you are, but does enjoy seeing you happy, so he joins anyway. He even buys some supplies for his YouTube career.

September: You and Joe decide that it is a good night to stay in, so you have a movie a fort! You both take the sheets and make a fort in your living room, and watch movies all night long.

October: Joe takes you to haunted houses and haunted hayrides because this is the month of scares, and he loves to make you jump before the people who are supposed to scare you do.

November: You have friends and family coming over later for Thanksgiving, so you both decide to cook the Turkey together. You end up burning the turkey, and just drive to the nearest Supermarket in search for the perfect turkey!

December: You and Joe have decided to go on a horse and carriage ride around London to see all the Christmas lights. He walks you back to the flat, and stops at the mistletoe above the entrance. You give him a sweet kiss, and head back to the room.

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