Bakugou's Punishment

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Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia. This is just a crappy fanfic.

Warning: Bakugou has a potty mouth.

 Bakugou huffed in annoyance as he progressed down the hall, making a big show of stomping his feet despite nobody even being around to witness the act. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the vacant hall, sounding like a machine gun on steroids. When he finally reached his destination, the door to Present Mic's classroom, he stood for a minute, silently fuming.

God damn fucking Aizawa-Sensei forcing me to do this fucking shit. Why couldn't we just meet after school? What's his problem?

 To say the least, Bakugou Katskui was in a bad mood.

 He violently tore open the door and angrily marched into the classroom, a scowl that could kill gracing his features.

"Heeeeyyyy!" Present Mic loudly greeted as Bakugou came to a stop in the middle of the classroom, his face saying it all: He did not  want to be there. "Bakugou Katsuki! You're really in the doghouse this time, kid!"

 Bakugou shot him the dirties look he could muster before turning to his homeroom teacher, who was leaning back in a chair, hardly paying attention to his hot-blooded student. "Why the fuck did we have to meet in his classroom? He's gonna make my ears bleed before the end of this 'little chat' or however the fuck you put it when you asked me to be here." Bakugou gabbed his thumb at a third teacher, silently perched in the coner of the room, a smirk on her face. "And why is Midnight here? Is this some kind of fucking party?!"

 Aizawa blinked his dry, bloodshot eyes a few times before finally looking up from the papers scrunched in his hands. "Lower your voice. We're all here to discuss your attitude and behavior, Bakugou."

"I figuered that !" The blond scoffed, crossing his arms, "I'm asking why the hell Present Mic and Midnight are here too!"

"What a feisty student!" Present Mic exclaimed, clapping his hands like an idiot seal, "You must really be fond of your class, Shouta! The old Aizawa-Sensei I know would have had this kid expelled in a heart beat. Getting soft?"

 The raven-haired teacher shot him a death glare. Present Mic remained unfazed. 

 Midnight finally joined in the conversation, pulling herself up from her chair and dramatically stretching before approaching the two teachers and student. "I knew you were a troblesome little squirt ever since the sports festival," She simpered, "But starting two fights in one day? That's not very hero like."

"Mmmmhmm." Mic hummed in agreement.

"Tch." was all Bakugou said in reply. He adverted his eyes and stared pointlessly at the clock on the wall.

 What did Midnight know anyway? She didn't know why he did what he did. None of them knew why he had started those fights, all they did was assume shit. Who were they to go basically calling him a villain? Sure, they didn't directly say it, but it didn't take a damn genius to get at what they were implying. Bakugou wished Aizawa would just hurry up and give his detention or whatever so he could get out of the classroom made a living-fucking-hell.

"You will be serving alternating detentions with the three of us for the next two weeks." Aizawa stated, standing up, the chair he had been sitting on making an earsplitting screech as it slid across the tile, "Be even a minute late for a single session and-"


 Aizawa, Bakugou, and Midnight all stared at Present Mic, dumbfounded by his sudden outburst. Why the hell was that teacher so loud and damn annoying? How he hadn't been murdered by Aizawa yet was beyond Bakugou.

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