Half-And-Half Bastard Part 2: The Mission

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Bakugou was on a tight schedule. He still had five-no, four now, people left to hug by the end of the day. AND THE END WAS APPROACHING REALLY FUCKING QUICKLY. Bakugou had four hours at most to get everyone else before they went to bed, so why? Why the HELL was he WASTING his time lugging Half-N-Half Bastard to his FUCKING dorm room?!

"HALF-N-HALF!" Bakugou boomed, the boy in question sleeping soundly, being held up only by his arm slung over Bakugou's shoulders. "HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BE THAT TIRED?! JUST WAKE UP LONG ENOUGH TO WALK TO YOUR DORM ROOM YOUR-DAMN-SELF!"

Todoroki groaned.

Bakugou growled, trying to step forward and almost dropping that bitch in the process. "You said you didn't sleep last night? So you've been up...what? Thirty hours?"

Todoroki weakly lifted his head, letting out a small utter. "It may have been two nights...or three..."

Bakugou let small explosions emit from his left hand, the one that wasn't hoisting his classmate up, as Todoroki's head fell again, small snores sounding. "WHAT THE HELL, DIPSHIT?! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO FUCKING TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF?!"

Do I really have to do this shit?! Bakugou angrily thought. I already got a hug from him, I should just leave his sorry ass behind. He can fucking deal with it.

He shook his head to clear it. Leaving that bastard behind wouldn't be very hero-like. So he bent down slightly, letting Todoroki's head fall behind his neck, and hoisted that Half-And-Half Bastard onto his back. That's what a hero would've done. And besides...It would be nice to have Half-N-Half owe him for something...could be used to Bakugou's advantage.

"If someone sees," Bakugou hissed, despite knowing that Todoroki probably couldn't hear him as he slumbered, his head resting in the crook of Bakugou's neck. "I swear I'm dropping you on the ground right there and then."

So to Bakugou, taking Todoroki to his dorm was like a mission, or a video game-No, mission sounded cooler. It was like a hero mission because of all the obstacles in Bakugou's way.

First of all, he had a time limit. The day was slowly ticking away and if Bakugou didn't want to get expelled by that shitty Aizawa, he would have to get Half-And-Half to his dorm as fast as he could.

Second, there were witnesses that Bakugou, under no circumstances, could let see him carrying Half-And-Half. How fucking sickeningly humiliating would that be? Bakugou would have to kill every witnesses, ana since he wasn't ready to get blood on his hands, he would had to sneak through the building.

And third, There was not dropping, and possibly giving a concussion to, Todoroki, who was a complete dead weight. At least he wasn't too heavy. Seriously, he couldn't weight more than Bakugou despite being several inches taller.

So a stealth mission. Got it.

Bakugou set off in the direction of the Dorms, Todoroki bouncing on his back as he jogged. If Bakugou closed his eyes, he could almost picture himself a grand hero, carrying a wounded civilian to safety. Of course, if he did close his eyes, he and Todoroki would undoubtedly end up face planted on the fucking concrete. So, it was a bit harder to visualize the whole ordeal as anything other than A FUCKING ICYHOT BITCH ON MY BACK.

Bakugou stepped into the common area, panting. Todoroki's weight was finally starting to get to him. He scanned his surroundings and luckily found the coast to be clear.

He took sets of cautious steps towards the elevator, walking slowly because it was a stealth mission after all.

Todoroki mumbling into his left ear, sending hot and itchy breaths down his spine.

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