Earphone Girl

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Having to hug each and every one of his classmates (excluding that purple grape fuck) was humiliating and demeaning enough as if was. Having to hug one of his classmate with an audience would be ten times worse. Bakugou didn't care whether or not those two idiot teachers watched him like weird stalkers- they were far to immature and pointless for Bakugou for to give a shit about what they thought. No, the most shameful thing would be other students witnessing the act.

It didn't really matter since Bakugou would have to embrace them all at some point during the day, but the thought of have his classmates staring at him hugging someone, all with wide eyes and open mouths like some kind of freak fish? Out of the fucking question. Bakugou would rather jump into a field of poison-laced spikes than let that happen, which is why the blond, under no circumstances, would carry out his punishment during any classes. It was like a rule he had set for himself, a rule that you would have to pry out of his cold, dead hands.

It could be so easy, just hug everyone during the next class all at once, one after another; it would take five minutes at most, but Bakugou...he just couldn't. His own mind screeched at him to quit being a baby and just get it over with, but his conscience wouldn't let him. His conscience was a stubborn bitch.

Fucking pathetic. I'll just have to get everyone at an off time.

But it wasn't like that was so easy. Obviously, since Bakugou was still in school after all, most of his day would be spent in class, the time which he swore off for hugging. Then there was lunch, but even then, there would be classmates crawling around like roaches, bready eyes ready to soak in any sort of juicy sight. The only chance he really had to get everyone alone, was after school, back at the dorms. But that shit DIDN'T FUCKING WOK EITHER since everyone would be heading to bed before Bakugou could get to them.

He wanted to slam his head against the wall; it was too fucking complicated. He had been luckier than a weasel to just happen to run into Ashido and Kaminari, who were only secluded from the rest of class because they had been sent to run an errand. Even now, Bakugou wasn't in class when he was supposed to be. Instead, he was seated on a random chair he had found, far, far away from Aizawa's classroom.

The blond clenched his jaw. At least he had lost Midnight and Present Mic, who had their own classes to attend to.

"Aizawa can keep an eye on you. Give us an update at lunch, eh?" Present Mic had said, energetic as always.

The pair obviously didn't know anything about Bakugou. It was like the idea of him skipping class hadn't even dashed across their minds. Of course...it wasn't something that the blond usually did. The only reason for it, on this oh-so special occasion was because he was pissed. Mega pissed. Like, plus ultra pissed. If he went to class, he was almost positive he would end up shouting and snarling at everyone who crossed his path.

"FUCKING AIZAWA MAKING ME DO THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT!" He exploded, unable to withhold his frustration any longer. He slammed his fists into the concrete wall beside him. It hurt, but he kept doing it, punching the wall over and over. "DIE, YOU FUCKING WALL!"

After a few minutes of crazed wall punching, Bakugou let his shoulders slump and released an, almost distressed, sigh. He sunk back into the chair, staring to the ground. Despite letting off a huge amount of steam with that little fit, the scowl etched on his face wouldn't go away.

"Bakugou?" The blond's head shot up at the use of his name from someone else's lips. "I should have known it was you screaming."


There stood Earphone girl with her arms crossed, scanning Bakugou from head to toe. It pissed off the blond, but he kept the outburst at bay. "I heard all your commotion from class and excused myself to the bathroom to check it out myself. I thought someone was dying, but I guess you were just throwing your daily tantrum, yeah?"

Bakugou's Hug Dilemma (My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now