Half-And-Half Bastard

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All that Bakugou could think as he stalked out of the school's main building and headed towards the dorms was, Well, that was fucking humiliating. 

I'd been so embarrassing that Bakugou just fucking bolted. He kicked a stone in his path and watched in glide across the concrete track. Whatever, what's done is done. The sooner Bakugou got over it, the better. Besides...he had much bigger things to think about, more concerning things to mindlessly ponder over. 

School was over for the day, so Bakugou could finally concentrate all his time on hugging the rest of the people remaining on his list. He pulled the retched paper from his pocket, scanning over the names for the hundredth time that day. 

Only five names left, two of which were Deku and that Half-And-Half Bastard. Bakugou grimaced. Why that fucking pair? Why the hell did he have to hug those two fucking clowns?! 

Bakugou shoved the crumpled paper back into his pocket.

Because of shitty Aizawa. 

The blond kicked another pebble and clicked his tongue in defeat, figuring he had mentally complained about his teacher enough today as it was. What he really needed was to concentrate on was forming a game plan if he didn't want to get expelled. If he didn't work fast enough, crossing the five off his list, then he might not ever get the chance to. They were still fucking students; students who went to bed early in order to wake up in time to get to school the next day. If Bakugou dallied on one person for too long, the rest could go to bed, killing Bakugou chance of ever crossing them off his list. And then he would have to face Aizawa; that was the dreadful part.

He shuffled his feet as he walked, wondering if he would have to knock on anyone's dorm door in order to get to them. The blond stopped in his tracks, his skin prickling. He would rather eat a kitchen knife, shit it out, and then eat it again, than have to knock on shitty Deku's door and ask him for a hug.

That nerd had better not go to bed fucking early or I'll rip him a new asshole. 

The blond couldn't help but let a sadistic grin consume his features as he pictured it; him, rather than hugging Deku, punching his so hard in the gut that he got a new damn asshole. Bakugou snickered.

He was so wrapped up in his weird-ass thoughts, that he almost walked right past the sleeping boy on the bench without noticing. 


Just before the boy left his field of vision, red hair caught Bakugou's attention, making him snap back to reality and turn to get a good look at the scene playing before him. 

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Todoroki Shouto, more commonly known to Bakugou as 'Half-And-Half Bastard', was seated on one of the wooden benched lining the walk to the dorms, sleeping. How the fuck was that half-headed dipshit, sitting completely upright, on a hard bench, sleeping?!

"Half-N-Half." Bakugou loudly addressed, a growl in his voice, as he approached the dozing teen. "Is it nap time or what the fuck? WAKE UP!"




Bakugou slammed his palm against his forehead, exasperated by his classmate's actions. Was he fucking dying or what? Why the hell was he so unresponsive, not even opening his eyes as Bakugou screamed into his face?!


An idea had popped into Bakugou's head. Todoroki was so busy being sleeping beauty or some shit, he wasn't responding to fucking anything. It made for the perfect chance for Bakugou to sneakily hug him and cross him off his list. He probably wouldn't stir if Bakugou just lightly rested his arms around the sleeping boy for ten seconds!..Right?

Bakugou's Hug Dilemma (My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now