Round Face

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AN: tbh this chapter is really bad. Forgive me kachako shippers.

So here Bakugou was, sprinting after Uraraka down the hall, like a fucking creep. 

The fuck. The fuck. The fuck? What if someone fucking sees me? Why the hell is she running anyway?!

"ROUND FACE!" He roared. The girl didn't waver, only continued to run, turning left at a corner. "STOP FUCKING RUNNING!"

Bakugou could have used his explosions to give him a boost, but felt like that would just turn everything to shit. At least...more shit than it already was. That girl, although she was not the slightest bit of a weakling, would probably be startled by the explosions and run faster, if that was even fucking possible. Seriously, how fucking fast was she?! She was like a damn bullet, and it really pissed Bakugou off. 

Hell...they were already almost out of the building. Bakugou needed to catch her...but how?! He couldn't fucking body slam her to the ground or something like that! And she was showing no sign of fucking stopping anytime soon.
Seriously, the fuck? Girl's like a fucking machine.

What could he do? It would be so much fucking easier if he had a quirk like Asui's. If she were there, she could have just grabbed Round Face with her tongue; no harm done, fast and easy. But she wasn't fucking there. Nobody was...except for fucking Bakugou, who by no means had a decent quirk for this situation. 

Hell, even having Kouda here would help, since he could control animals... And Bakugou was starting to suspect that Round Face was secretly a fucking cheetah. 


Maybe...A thought flashed through Bakugou's mind. The shouting isn't helping...damn it. Oh fucking well, too late to stop now.

"URARA-ka?" Bakugou skid to a halt as he rounded another corner in the hall and spotted the girl in question, laying on the floor. "The fuck?"

"Owww..." She whined, using her hand to slowly push her head off the ground. 

That idiot...she fucking tripped. What a clumsy dork.

Bakugou trampled towards the girl. "Hey Round Face, you okay?"

It wasn't like he was all fucking worried for her or anything, she fucking deserved it, running away from him for no damn reason, he just wanted to make sure she wasn't having a fucking concussion or something.

"I'm fine..."

"You're bleeding, dipshit."

She quickly clamped a hand over her nose, which was steadily dripping blood onto the floor of the hall, a cloudy tile. 

"Did you fucking face-plant?" Bakugou questioned before sighing and shoving his hand into his left pocket, digging around for something. He found what he was looking for, a small patterned handkerchief, and pulled it out, holding it up contently. Don't fucking ask why he fucking had one, he just did. He didn't even ever fucking use it or anything. 

"I'm fine..." Uraraka repeated. 

"Shut up." Bakugou replied, tilting her head up with one hand (Since she was too damn stubborn to do it herself) and shoving the handkerchief against her bleeding nose.

"Mhurechu shinme?" She unintelligibly mumbled through the handkerchief. Bakugou almost snickered at how fucking stupid she looked. 

"Hold the damn cloth yourself." He ordered, letting go of it. She scrambled to take the place of Bakugou's hold, pressing the bloody handkerchief to her nose. 

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