Dunce Face & Raccoon Eyes

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"Don't forget, kid. Each hug has to be at least  ten seconds long."

"OKAY! I get it, so go the FUCK away! I don't need you two breathing down my neck!" 

 Midnight held up her hands as if to silently say 'I give up', all the while a smirk stretched across her lips. Bakugou wished he could slap that patronizing smile away. Those shitty techers were enjoying every second of Bakugou's torture, and it hadn't even begun yet.

"If we go away, we'll miss out on all the fun!" Present Mic chuckled, patting Bakugou's frizzy head. He aggressively slapped the teacher's hand away, fuming. 

"You can't follow me around! You said it yourself that I'm not aloud to tell anyone about this shitty punishment! You can't seriously think that nobody's going to be suspicious as to why you two are on my ass all day!" 

 Midnight waved her hand at him. "We're not gonna indiscreetly follow you, but we'll be watching! Aizawa said to make sure that you carry out your punishment properly and not cheat."

 Bakugou clenched his fist, scrunching up the list containing all his classmates' names. "Don't you have your own damn classes to maintain today?!"

"I mean, yeah," Present Mic smiled, "But between me, Midnight, and Eraser Head, we should be able to make sure you don't half-ass your way through this!"

 Bakugou gave the two one last scowl before hastily turning on his heels and starting down the hall, eager to get away from the idiot teachers, who were acting more and more like children with each passing second. They were supposed to be the adults for fuck's sake! Yet here they were, stalking him like middle school girls, all giddy and giggly. What losers...

 And this BULLSHIT chore he had been assigned to! What the hell was Aizawa thinking, agreeing to one of Present Mic's stupid suggestions?! Usually the teacher just rolled his eyes at Mic crappy 'ideas worth a dozen encore' or whatever. Why was it fucking different this  time?!

 Bakugou was tempted to kick the hallway hall out of frustration, but froze as he heard two familiar voices traveling down the hall. His first instict was to hide from his classmates, his second was to mentally scream at himself for having such urges.

What are you, a fucking cat?! Stop shitting yourself, you're supposed to be the best; the strongest. IT'S A FUCKING HUG FOR FUCK'S SAKE! WANNA GET EXPELLED FUCKER?! NO?! THEN JUST GET THAT SHIT OVER WITH!

 The pair of students came into view, rounding a corner in the hallway. They were completely oblivious of Bakugou, standing in the middle of the hall, internally struggling.

 Bakugou rubbed his list of names with his thumb. He needed to stop acting like such a fool and just do it. Raccoon eyes and Dunce face; they weren't too bad- there were definably worse (which, of course, Bakugou would have to get to later). Bakugou shot one last look at his teachers, who both gave him thumbs up, before grimacing and proceeding towards his classmates, who had no idea what was about to happen.

Just get it over with. Bakugou screamed at himself. Ten seconds; I just need to hug them for ten seconds each. 

"Hey Bakugou!" Kaminari greeted, a shitty grin on his face as the frizzy-haired blond approached, his hands, one containing the list, stuffed in his pockets. 

Do it.

"What's u-UWHA!?" 

That was the fucking stupidest noise I ever fucking heard. Bakugou thought, his arms encased loosly around the yellow-headed boy's torso. His chin hovered over Kaminari's shoulder.

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